namo namaḥ or namaste = hello / ‘how do you do’
trinī liṅgāni = 3 genders
- puliṅgam masculin
- strīliṅgam feminin
- napuṃsakaliṅgam neutral
Kati liṅgāni ? = How many genders ?
Conversation vocabulary |
anantaram = after vadatu = say (please say…) uttamam very goog |
puṃliṅgam ‘ḥ’ sound āgacchati (masculin the sound ‘ḥ’ comes)
like in Manishah, caṣakaḥ (verre) ('tchashakaḥ'), bālaḥ
kiṃ liṅgam ? Which gender ?
If ḥ sound then it signifies puṃliṅgam masculin
strīliṅgam ā sound āgacchati (feminine the sound ‘ā’ comes)
bālikā fille / adhyāpikā teacher / sthālikā plate
'ā' sound signifies strīliṅgam feminin
bhāginī sister / sarasvatī godess of knowledge / lekhanī pen / darvī serving spoon
‘ī’ sound signifies also strīliṅgam feminin
gṛham house / patram leaf / puṣpam flower / pustakam book
‘am’ sound signifies napuṃsakaliṅgaṃ neutral
saḥ bālakaḥ that boy
that dūre (from far) / dûram (far) / this samīpe (from near) samīpam (near)
saḥ (that) / eṣaḥ (this) for masculin
sā (that) / esā (this) for feminin
tad (that) / etad (this) for neutral
Kaḥ ? Who (for masculin) ?
Saḥ kaḥ ? Eṣaḥ kaḥ ? = Who is that ? Who is this ?
Kā ? Who (for feminin) ?
Sā kā ? Eṣā kā ? = Who is that ? Who is this ?
Kim ? What (for neutral) ?
Tad kim ? Etad kim ? = Who is that ? Who is this ?