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Life Science

Sharing the knowledge of ecology, medicine and symbiotic lifestyles for sustainable development and safeguard of the planet...

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Protecting biodiversity and the equilibrium of ecosystems, as an essential condition for human health and for Life...

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Food Security

Working for food security and fighting against malnutrition for vulnerable populations in India....

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Child Protection

Acting for childhood protection and for education, to reveal the potential of those who will build tomorrow's world...

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Āyurveda - The keys to healing success


According to the principles of Ayurveda, the greatest remedy is self-knowledge somatic, sensory, psychic, emotional, moral, intellectual ...

This self-knowledge requires an alternation of theoretical understanding and practical apprehension. Thus it can only be acquired by an authentic and enlightened Ayurvedic doctor.

A very specific, identified and differentiated disease or symptom is subject to a large number of pathogenic factors. These pathogenic factors are polymorphic (can change shape), are interchangeable (can compensate or decompensate each other), and are inter-transferable (can be replaced by one or the other).

The speed of healing is proportional to the ability to heal, physiological balances, immune power, purity emunctories (the purity of purification systems), or the age of dysfunctions and pathologies.

Thus, the Ayurvedic physician treats the patient as a whole, not just a disease or a symptom.

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"Prāṇāyu is an association humanitarian, of general interest, for the protection of biodiversity, agrodiversity, the balance of ecosystems, all practices and essential knowledge for the human health and to Life".