Āyurveda (आयुर्वॆद) means 'science of Life (ĀYU)' or 'art of Life', literally 'biology' or 'bionomy'.
Āyurveda is recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) as a comprehensive traditional medical system born in India, and a direct ancestor of traditional Chinese medicine.
Āyurveda is one of the oldest medical and scientific heritages in the world, with the capacity to update itself with modern discoveries. Indeed throughout the millennia that make up its history the Ayurveda has been enriched by leading or integrating contemporary experimental or empirical scientific research. Today, research in Ayurvedic medicine is led by private or national initiatives such as the Ministry of Health in India or the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine in Laika.
Āyurveda is the most comprehensive medical system in the world, including surgery, pediatrics, gerontology, gynecology, preventive medicine, oncology, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, yoga ...
Āyurveda is an integrative science whose principles can be explained in modern or traditional language. Thus Ayurvedic medicine uses modern science (including genetics, microbiota science, endocrinology, oncology, immunology ...) to explain, prove, understand the pathologies the treatment modes of action. It can also include in its therapeutic tools naturopathy, micro nutrition, dietetics, aromatherapy, microbiology, epigenetic, hygiene ...
Āyurvedic medicine treats the patient as a whole, not just a disease or symptom.