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Pañcakutādi Dry-Veggies, Superfoods


Types of pañcakutādi - dry veggies

Sangri (phali family)

- Sangri (phali/ fabeaceae) Kalpataru (in ayurvedic and siddha) - Prosopis Cineraria - beans – dry _ ‘जांटी’, ‘खार’, ‘शमी’, ‘राज्य वृक्ष’, khejari vṛkṣa (other names)

- Sangri varieties/bhedha

. Śamīra (Prosopis stephaniana kunth) Smaller variety - Found in Punjab and Gujarat (according to Bhavaprakasha)

. Śanta (Prosopis grandulosa) (according to Raja Nighantu)

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Ker (berry family)

- Ker/ kair round berries, dry (Capparis decidua)

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Kumatyā (berry family)

- Kumaat flat berries, dry

- Kumaṭyā – flat berries, dark brown, dry

- Kumta / kumtha (Acacia senegal) is a medium-sized tree with yellow fruits in heads,

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Gundā (boraginaceae family)

- Gundā – green – as white pieces like peel - from which comes the gund gum that is used in food and for sticking

- Goonda (Cordia myxa) fruits

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*

Subkingdom: Tracheobionta

Superdivision: Spermatophyta

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: Asteridae

Order: Lamiales

Family: Boraginaceae

Genus: Cordia L.

Species: Cordia myxa L.


Kachari (Gourd family)

- Kachari, Kachri, Phophalia, wild berries, a wild species of cucumber, (family of pumkin & cucumber)


Bāvaliyā (Phali family)

- Bāvaliyā/ bāvaḍiyā (phali/ fabeaceae)


Guar-phali (Phali family)

- Guar-phali (phali/ fabeaceae) both vegetables and guar gum


Premli bor (Berry family)

- Pemli Bor


Tindi (Gourd family)

- Ṭīṇḍī/ Fofaliya/ Tindsi/ Tinda / Apple Gourd/ Baby Pumkin– round white


Common names Indian Round Gourd or Apple Gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin

Scientific Name Benincasa fistulosa

Name in Indian languages Tinda (Punjabi), Tindsi (Rajasthan), Dhemase (Marathi), Meha (Sindhi)


Sīmaṇḍayā (Gourd family)


Moongbadi & badi

- Moongbadi cf. Picture

- Badi cf. Picture

Khelra (Gourd family)

- Khelra (cucumber) cf. Picture


Karela (Gourd family)

- Karela (bitter gourd) also Rajasthani dry sabji


Amchur (Fruit family)

- Amchoor (dry mango powder)

- Aam (Mangifera indica) raw-dried slices

- Piece of dry mango seed


Hāji, sāji (Stone family)

To preparf hāji water

250g + 6 glass or 4 lota (+200g)


Pāpadkhar (Stone family)

Other names papad-khar-soda, sajji-sajjige, papadiao, papadiao-karo, papad-kharo, Alkaline Salt, Sodium Sesquicarbonate

General use: as sodium bicarbonate in food and hours hold works

Useful in khichu recipe



Photos for Pañcakutādi identification




Kumta/ kumatha







Gwar phali






Khelra (cucumber)





Tinda/ fofaliya

Tinda/ fofaliya

Tinda/ fofaliya



Kachri (green)

Kacchari (dry) (some say it is peeled without skin)








Recipe of assemblage of panchkuta Sabji/


- Sandri

- Kumaṭyā

- Gundā

- Ker


Preparing separately

- Bāvaliyā/ bāvaḍiyā



Kair Saangri (Panchkuta Sabji/Pickle)



Recipe of sabji pickle

100 gm. Sangri beans, dry

10 gm. Phophalia or Kachari wild berries

10 gm. Ker round berries, dry

10 gm. Kumaat flat berries, dry

10 gm. Amchoor

1 tbsp. Mustard oil, use vegetable oil if you don't have it.

2/2 tsp. Cumin seeds

1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder

1 tsp. Coriander powder

1 tsp red Chilli powder

1 tsp. Coriander powder

1 tsp. ground fennel seeds

1 1/2 tsp. Salt, adjust to taste


Shop & distributors

See lists of shops and distributors of pañcakutādi dry veggies of Hubli resources (Indian flag)

Article – Resources & links – Hubli Health & Ahiṃsā Shops, etc.


Literature from scientific and journalistic articles

Sangri (Prosopis Cineraria Pods) - A Rich Protein Source of Rajasthani Cuisine

Yadav, N., & Choudhury, M. K. (2023). Review of Sangri (Prosopis Cineraria Pods) - A Rich Protein Source of Rajasthani Cuisine. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 06(06), 188–192.



Gunda (Cordia myxa L.), The Gift of the Nature, A Review

Al-Khafaji, S. A., Alsaadawi, M. A., Al-Yasari, A. M., & Al-Saadawe, M. A. (2021). Cordia myxa L.: The Gift of the Nature, A Review (Gunda). Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2), 267–277.




Sun-Kissed Superfoods: The Nutrient-Rich Dried Vegetables of Rajasthan

Prakati India January 13, 2024



Panchkuta, a traditional dish from Rajasthan, gets its name from its five key ingredients:

- Kair, Sangri, Amchur, Goonda, and Kumta.


The preparation involves using pods of

- Sangri (Prosopis cineraria),

- seeds of Kumta / kumtha (Acacia senegal),

- fruits of Kair (Capparis decidua),

- raw-dried slices of Aam (Mangifera indica),

- fruits of Goonda (Cordia myxa).

These ingredients are crushed, mixed, and fried after adding various condiments to enhance the flavor.


Panchakuta is a valuable source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and magnesium), antioxidants (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids), phenols, tannins, saponins, and other phytochemicals.


This unique sabzi can be stored for an extended period without spoilage, making it a versatile addition to meals. Panchkuta can be enjoyed during breakfast, lunch, or dinner, showcasing its adaptability in various culinary scenarios. It holds a special place in Rajasthani wedding ceremonies and celebrations, often featuring on the menu of parties and functions.The dish’s widespread use reflects its significance and popularity in the culinary traditions of Rajasthan.



Sangri (in panchakuta)

Khejri, a medium-sized, deep-rooted prickly tree, is discovered in arid regions, particularly across the Thar desert. The edible fruits (pods) of Khejri, scientifically known as Prosopis cineraria, are referred to as ‘Sangri’ in Rajasthan. Known for its delightful taste, Sangri holds significant utility during periods of drought and famine.


This hardy tree, Khejri, has been a vital source of survival food in arid regions for centuries. Sangri, once plucked, undergoes a process of drying and careful storage, ensuring its availability throughout the year. In Rajasthan, Sangri is not only a food source but also a culinary gem, featuring in subzi, acting as an ingredient in Panchukta, and contributing to the preparation of kadi and pickle.


The utilization of Sangri highlights its adaptability in various culinary contexts, making it a key element in the gastronomic traditions of the Thar desert region.


Kumtha (in panchakuta)

Kumtha is a medium-sized tree with yellow fruits in heads. Its pods play a crucial role when eaten with ‘kair’ and ‘Sangri,’ contributing significantly to the Panchkuta vegetable. The dried seeds of Kumtha are edible and hold importance, particularly in the desert areas of Rajasthan.


Kair (in panchakuta)

Kair thrives in arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, offering high nutritional value. The versatile nature of Kair is evident as it is used both in its fresh green and ripen forms, as well as in its dried state. In the realm of culinary creations, dried Kair takes center stage as the main ingredient in the preparation of Panchkuta sabji.


The fruits of Kair are not only utilized for immediate consumption but are also preserved as pickles, becoming a popular choice in the desert area. To ensure the best flavor, the fruits of Capparis are preserved by soaking them in brine or buttermilk for several days, effectively eliminating any bitterness, before being sundried. This preservation process adds to the culinary richness of the region, showcasing the resourcefulness and ingenuity in utilizing local produce.


Goonda (in panchakuta)

With its sour flavor, Goonda is a key ingredient in the Panchkuta vegetable. Fresh and green Goonda are employed in the creation of pickles and various vegetable dishes. Furthermore, the dried form of Goonda is also utilized as a food source throughout the entire year.



Kachri, a wild species of cucumber, is valued for its richness in protein. Primarily used as a vegetable, it undergoes sun-drying after the removal of its epicarp. The dried form of Kachri, as well as its powder, finds extensive use in arid regions.


Guar fali

Guar fali, a valuable crop utilized for both vegetables and guar gum, is sun-dried in Rajasthan to prevent spoilage. It is commonly paired with various vegetables, such as Kachri. In the ethnic societies of Rajasthan, Guar fali serves as a dried vegetable during times of fasting and drought. Additionally, local people enjoy fried dry Guar fali as snacks.


Pemli Bor

Pemli Bor boasts a surprising density of vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, vital for healthy vision and immunity, Vitamin C, an antioxidant powerhouse, and Iron, essential for oxygen transport. Additionally, it provides a good dose of Calcium, crucial for bone health, and dietary fiber, aiding digestion.


Sun-drying, a traditional preservation technique, further concentrates Pemli Bor’s inherent goodness. This sun-kissed form becomes a versatile ingredient in Rajasthani cuisine. Often incorporated into dals and curries, its earthy, slightly bitter flavor adds a unique dimension to dishes. Pemli Bor can also be enjoyed as a nourishing side dish, sautéed with spices, or even ground into a flour for various culinary uses.






The magic of Rajasthan's legendary Sangri

September 17, 2023

In the heart of the Thar desert, on the outskirts of Jaisalmer, lived a humble woman named Lata. She was widely known, not for her wealth or stature, but for her unique relationship with the Sangri tree.


Unlike others in the village, Lata didn’t just see the Sangri tree as a source of food. For her, each tree had a soul, a life, and a story to share. She would often be found talking to the trees, caressing their branches, and even singing lullabies to the young saplings. Villagers often joked about Lata’s whimsical ways, dubbing her the “Sangri Whisperer.”


One year, a terrible drought struck the region. Water became scarce, and crops withered. However, to everyone's astonishment, the Sangri trees in Lata's grove continued to flourish, bearing more pods than ever before.


Out of gratitude and concern for her fellow villagers, Lata started harvesting these pods, sun-drying them, and then distributing them among the families. With her deep knowledge of Rajasthani cuisine, she taught them various recipes to make the most of the Sangri. From tangy pickles to flavorful curries, every dish was a testimony to the desert's resilience.


Word of the magical Sangri grove spread beyond the village. Travelers, merchants, and even chefs from distant cities visited Lata to experience the wonder of her Sangri trees. Everyone wanted to know her secret.


With a twinkle in her eye, Lata would reply, "It's simple. Listen to them. Respect them. Love them. They will reciprocate in kind."


The village, once skeptical of Lata’s ways, began to revere her. They realized the depth of her connection with nature and the profound lessons she offered.


As years passed, Lata’s grove became a sanctuary. People from all walks of life visited, not just to taste the extraordinary Sangri but to learn the art of listening, the patience of understanding, and the magic of harmonizing with nature.


Lata's legacy wasn’t just the Sangri recipes that were passed down generations but the ethos of living in harmony with the environment. And thus, in the golden sands of Rajasthan, amidst the vastness of the Thar, stood a testament to a woman's love for nature – the thriving grove of the Sangri Whisperer of Jaisalmer.


Pañcakutādi Dry-Veggies, Superfoods


Types of pañcakutādi - dry veggies

Sangri (phali family)

- Sangri (phali/ fabeaceae) Kalpataru (in ayurvedic and siddha) - Prosopis Cineraria - beans – dry _ ‘जांटी’, ‘खार’, ‘शमी’, ‘राज्य वृक्ष’, khejari vṛkṣa (other names)

- Sangri varieties/bhedha

. Śamīra (Prosopis stephaniana kunth) Smaller variety - Found in Punjab and Gujarat (according to Bhavaprakasha)

. Śanta (Prosopis grandulosa) (according to Raja Nighantu)

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Ker (berry family)

- Ker/ kair round berries, dry (Capparis decidua)

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Kumatyā (berry family)

- Kumaat flat berries, dry

- Kumaṭyā – flat berries, dark brown, dry

- Kumta / kumtha (Acacia senegal) is a medium-sized tree with yellow fruits in heads,

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*


Gundā (boraginaceae family)

- Gundā – green – as white pieces like peel - from which comes the gund gum that is used in food and for sticking

- Goonda (Cordia myxa) fruits

important in composition of panchkuta vegetable*

Subkingdom: Tracheobionta

Superdivision: Spermatophyta

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: Asteridae

Order: Lamiales

Family: Boraginaceae

Genus: Cordia L.

Species: Cordia myxa L.


Kachari (Gourd family)

- Kachari, Kachri, Phophalia, wild berries, a wild species of cucumber, (family of pumkin & cucumber)


Bāvaliyā (Phali family)

- Bāvaliyā/ bāvaḍiyā (phali/ fabeaceae)


Guar-phali (Phali family)

- Guar-phali (phali/ fabeaceae) both vegetables and guar gum


Premli bor (Berry family)

- Pemli Bor


Tindi (Gourd family)

- Ṭīṇḍī/ Fofaliya/ Tindsi/ Tinda / Apple Gourd/ Baby Pumkin– round white


Common names Indian Round Gourd or Apple Gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin

Scientific Name Benincasa fistulosa

Name in Indian languages Tinda (Punjabi), Tindsi (Rajasthan), Dhemase (Marathi), Meha (Sindhi)


Sīmaṇḍayā (Gourd family)


Moongbadi & badi

- Moongbadi cf. Picture

- Badi cf. Picture

Khelra (Gourd family)

- Khelra (cucumber) cf. Picture


Karela (Gourd family)

- Karela (bitter gourd) also Rajasthani dry sabji


Amchur (Fruit family)

- Amchoor (dry mango powder)

- Aam (Mangifera indica) raw-dried slices

- Piece of dry mango seed


Hāji, sāji (Stone family)

To preparf hāji water

250g + 6 glass or 4 lota (+200g)


Pāpadkhar (Stone family)

Other names papad-khar-soda, sajji-sajjige, papadiao, papadiao-karo, papad-kharo, Alkaline Salt, Sodium Sesquicarbonate

General use: as sodium bicarbonate in food and hours hold works

Useful in khichu recipe



Photos for Pañcakutādi identification




Kumta/ kumatha







Gwar phali






Khelra (cucumber)





Tinda/ fofaliya

Tinda/ fofaliya

Tinda/ fofaliya



Kachri (green)

Kacchari (dry) (some say it is peeled without skin)








Recipe of assemblage of panchkuta Sabji/


- Sandri

- Kumaṭyā

- Gundā

- Ker


Preparing separately

- Bāvaliyā/ bāvaḍiyā



Kair Saangri (Panchkuta Sabji/Pickle)



Recipe of sabji pickle

100 gm. Sangri beans, dry

10 gm. Phophalia or Kachari wild berries

10 gm. Ker round berries, dry

10 gm. Kumaat flat berries, dry

10 gm. Amchoor

1 tbsp. Mustard oil, use vegetable oil if you don't have it.

2/2 tsp. Cumin seeds

1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder

1 tsp. Coriander powder

1 tsp red Chilli powder

1 tsp. Coriander powder

1 tsp. ground fennel seeds

1 1/2 tsp. Salt, adjust to taste


Shop & distributors

See lists of shops and distributors of pañcakutādi dry veggies of Hubli resources (Indian flag)

Article – Resources & links – Hubli Health & Ahiṃsā Shops, etc.


Literature from scientific and journalistic articles

Sangri (Prosopis Cineraria Pods) - A Rich Protein Source of Rajasthani Cuisine

Yadav, N., & Choudhury, M. K. (2023). Review of Sangri (Prosopis Cineraria Pods) - A Rich Protein Source of Rajasthani Cuisine. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 06(06), 188–192.



Gunda (Cordia myxa L.), The Gift of the Nature, A Review

Al-Khafaji, S. A., Alsaadawi, M. A., Al-Yasari, A. M., & Al-Saadawe, M. A. (2021). Cordia myxa L.: The Gift of the Nature, A Review (Gunda). Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2), 267–277.




Sun-Kissed Superfoods: The Nutrient-Rich Dried Vegetables of Rajasthan

Prakati India January 13, 2024



Panchkuta, a traditional dish from Rajasthan, gets its name from its five key ingredients:

- Kair, Sangri, Amchur, Goonda, and Kumta.


The preparation involves using pods of

- Sangri (Prosopis cineraria),

- seeds of Kumta / kumtha (Acacia senegal),

- fruits of Kair (Capparis decidua),

- raw-dried slices of Aam (Mangifera indica),

- fruits of Goonda (Cordia myxa).

These ingredients are crushed, mixed, and fried after adding various condiments to enhance the flavor.


Panchakuta is a valuable source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and magnesium), antioxidants (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids), phenols, tannins, saponins, and other phytochemicals.


This unique sabzi can be stored for an extended period without spoilage, making it a versatile addition to meals. Panchkuta can be enjoyed during breakfast, lunch, or dinner, showcasing its adaptability in various culinary scenarios. It holds a special place in Rajasthani wedding ceremonies and celebrations, often featuring on the menu of parties and functions.The dish’s widespread use reflects its significance and popularity in the culinary traditions of Rajasthan.



Sangri (in panchakuta)

Khejri, a medium-sized, deep-rooted prickly tree, is discovered in arid regions, particularly across the Thar desert. The edible fruits (pods) of Khejri, scientifically known as Prosopis cineraria, are referred to as ‘Sangri’ in Rajasthan. Known for its delightful taste, Sangri holds significant utility during periods of drought and famine.


This hardy tree, Khejri, has been a vital source of survival food in arid regions for centuries. Sangri, once plucked, undergoes a process of drying and careful storage, ensuring its availability throughout the year. In Rajasthan, Sangri is not only a food source but also a culinary gem, featuring in subzi, acting as an ingredient in Panchukta, and contributing to the preparation of kadi and pickle.


The utilization of Sangri highlights its adaptability in various culinary contexts, making it a key element in the gastronomic traditions of the Thar desert region.


Kumtha (in panchakuta)

Kumtha is a medium-sized tree with yellow fruits in heads. Its pods play a crucial role when eaten with ‘kair’ and ‘Sangri,’ contributing significantly to the Panchkuta vegetable. The dried seeds of Kumtha are edible and hold importance, particularly in the desert areas of Rajasthan.


Kair (in panchakuta)

Kair thrives in arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, offering high nutritional value. The versatile nature of Kair is evident as it is used both in its fresh green and ripen forms, as well as in its dried state. In the realm of culinary creations, dried Kair takes center stage as the main ingredient in the preparation of Panchkuta sabji.


The fruits of Kair are not only utilized for immediate consumption but are also preserved as pickles, becoming a popular choice in the desert area. To ensure the best flavor, the fruits of Capparis are preserved by soaking them in brine or buttermilk for several days, effectively eliminating any bitterness, before being sundried. This preservation process adds to the culinary richness of the region, showcasing the resourcefulness and ingenuity in utilizing local produce.


Goonda (in panchakuta)

With its sour flavor, Goonda is a key ingredient in the Panchkuta vegetable. Fresh and green Goonda are employed in the creation of pickles and various vegetable dishes. Furthermore, the dried form of Goonda is also utilized as a food source throughout the entire year.



Kachri, a wild species of cucumber, is valued for its richness in protein. Primarily used as a vegetable, it undergoes sun-drying after the removal of its epicarp. The dried form of Kachri, as well as its powder, finds extensive use in arid regions.


Guar fali

Guar fali, a valuable crop utilized for both vegetables and guar gum, is sun-dried in Rajasthan to prevent spoilage. It is commonly paired with various vegetables, such as Kachri. In the ethnic societies of Rajasthan, Guar fali serves as a dried vegetable during times of fasting and drought. Additionally, local people enjoy fried dry Guar fali as snacks.


Pemli Bor

Pemli Bor boasts a surprising density of vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, vital for healthy vision and immunity, Vitamin C, an antioxidant powerhouse, and Iron, essential for oxygen transport. Additionally, it provides a good dose of Calcium, crucial for bone health, and dietary fiber, aiding digestion.


Sun-drying, a traditional preservation technique, further concentrates Pemli Bor’s inherent goodness. This sun-kissed form becomes a versatile ingredient in Rajasthani cuisine. Often incorporated into dals and curries, its earthy, slightly bitter flavor adds a unique dimension to dishes. Pemli Bor can also be enjoyed as a nourishing side dish, sautéed with spices, or even ground into a flour for various culinary uses.






The magic of Rajasthan's legendary Sangri

September 17, 2023

In the heart of the Thar desert, on the outskirts of Jaisalmer, lived a humble woman named Lata. She was widely known, not for her wealth or stature, but for her unique relationship with the Sangri tree.


Unlike others in the village, Lata didn’t just see the Sangri tree as a source of food. For her, each tree had a soul, a life, and a story to share. She would often be found talking to the trees, caressing their branches, and even singing lullabies to the young saplings. Villagers often joked about Lata’s whimsical ways, dubbing her the “Sangri Whisperer.”


One year, a terrible drought struck the region. Water became scarce, and crops withered. However, to everyone's astonishment, the Sangri trees in Lata's grove continued to flourish, bearing more pods than ever before.


Out of gratitude and concern for her fellow villagers, Lata started harvesting these pods, sun-drying them, and then distributing them among the families. With her deep knowledge of Rajasthani cuisine, she taught them various recipes to make the most of the Sangri. From tangy pickles to flavorful curries, every dish was a testimony to the desert's resilience.


Word of the magical Sangri grove spread beyond the village. Travelers, merchants, and even chefs from distant cities visited Lata to experience the wonder of her Sangri trees. Everyone wanted to know her secret.


With a twinkle in her eye, Lata would reply, "It's simple. Listen to them. Respect them. Love them. They will reciprocate in kind."


The village, once skeptical of Lata’s ways, began to revere her. They realized the depth of her connection with nature and the profound lessons she offered.


As years passed, Lata’s grove became a sanctuary. People from all walks of life visited, not just to taste the extraordinary Sangri but to learn the art of listening, the patience of understanding, and the magic of harmonizing with nature.


Lata's legacy wasn’t just the Sangri recipes that were passed down generations but the ethos of living in harmony with the environment. And thus, in the golden sands of Rajasthan, amidst the vastness of the Thar, stood a testament to a woman's love for nature – the thriving grove of the Sangri Whisperer of Jaisalmer.


*Please note: These are some of the Jain organizations globally. Some of the contact numbers may not be functional.

Veeryatan International

Registered Office: Rajgir,

Nalanda District

Bihar 803 116      India

Phone: 06112-55240, 55249, 55385

Fax:     06112-55172, 55013

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Central Office: Vimukti 1402, Glen Classic

Hiranandani Business Park

Powai, Mumbai 400 076

Maharashtra, India

Phone: 022 66981853

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shri Tarachand Dhanji Mehta Karyalay, Devkaran Mansion, Block No.7, 2nd Floor, Vithaldas Road, Mumbai - 400002



EMAIL ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


WHATSAPP 9372118417

The Jain Foundation


No. 1/1, 3rd Floor, Vinayaka Towers,

1st Cross, Gandhi Nagar,


Bangaluru 560 009,





+91 95136 48066


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Jain Pariwar Pragati Sansthan (JPPS)

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Siddhart Jain Pandya


Chief Coordinator





I have not been able to get through to talk to him.


Following are Indian organizations that I managed to connect. They have asked to send a detailed email about Pranayu and its projects and activities. They will talk to their committee members and will revert back. The emails have been sent them.

Ahimsa Foundation


44, Sardar Club Scheme


Ratanada, Jodhpur -342011

9810046108, 8586817158


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Shri P. L. Jain


Trustee and Founder Chairman

Shree Humad Jain Samaj





CA Sanjay M. Bhachawat


4B-11, Manali,


Evershine Nagar,


Malad West,



Mumbai - 400064


Contact No. (M) 9821221152

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Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana,


Level 8, Muttha Chambers II,


Senapati Bapat Road,



Pune-411016, India



91 20 6605 0000



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Anand Thanki - Receptionist


Mr.Jai Rajan – President

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Dakshin Bharat Jain Sabha


Headquarters: P.O. 102, 37, Mahaveer Nagar,

Sangli, Maharashtra, India 416416.


(0233) 2623603



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Mr Yogesh – President: 9923555253


Shri Bharatvarshiya Digamber Jain Mahasabha

5, Raja Bajar, Cannaught Place,

New Delhi-110001

+91 11 2334 4668, +91 11 2334 4669 +91 80761 56653

Jain Gazette – Magazine

The receptionist spoke to me but did not share their President or Coordinator’s no. He said he will give my no to the concerned person. However, I have sent a detailed email to their email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Shri Zalawad Visha Shrimali Sthanakwasi Jain Samaj

"SHANTAM" 5th Floor, B/h. Havmor Restaurant,

Nr. Navrangpura Bus Stand, Navrangpura,

Ahmedabad - 380 009



+91 79 26425670

Email :

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Website :


Dr.Nilesh P.Sanghvi – President –


Consultant Urologist
He asked me to whatsapp him the details, which has been done.



Shree Golalariya Digambar Jain Samaj "Nyas"

Sanskratik Bhavan,

64, New Dewas Road,

Indore - 452003 (M.P.)


Komal Chand Jain


He asked me to whatsapp him the details, which has been done.









Following are international organizations to whom emails have been sent:


Institute of Jainology

UK Registered office:

Institute of Jainology

5B Parr Road,

Stanmore, England – HA7 1NP

United Kingdom

Tel : 020 8951 3900 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

JAINA : Federation of Jain Associations in North America

Jain Digest

Dilip ParekhChair-Person

6430 Riggs Pl

Los Angeles, CA, 90045


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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

International Alumni Association of Mahavir Jain Vidhyalay

47 Parsler Place, Fords, NJ 08863

Phone: (732) 599-0304

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr. Vasant Shah


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (732) 599-0304

Mr. Chandrakant Vora

Vice President

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (978) 395-1937

Jain Samaj Manchester

Jivdaya & Anukampadan (Animal Welfare and Compassion) Committee:

As part of our ongoing contribution towards local giving from Jivdaya Anukampa, we have supported a few local charities this year. Further donations will be given to national and international charities.

Any grants and donation request should be to:

Hiren Vora Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jain Samaj Of Colorado

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jain Samaj

of Long Island, Inc

158 Plainview Road,

Hicksville, NY 11801

PHONE: 516 597 5791

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mita Shah





Following are Indian Jain organizations which either didn’t respond back or whose contact numbers are not functional:

Jain Organizations, Delhi

Bhagwan Mahavir Jan Sewa Samiti (Regd.)

C-Block, Near Dda Market, Sector-15, Rohini, Delhi-110085, Tele : 27295244

President : Sh. Bhupender Jain, Tele : 27295244

Sectary : Sh. Sushil Jain, Tele : 27232489

Treasurer : Sh. Rai Singh Jain, Tele : 27012938

Shri Jain Navyuvak Mitra Mandal

President : Sh. Sudesh Kumar Jain

A-73, Ashok Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-52, Tele : 27436561

Sh. Mukesh Jain

J-46B, Ashok Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27240581

S. S. Jain Mahila Sangh Delhi Pradesh

President : Smt. Malti Jain

D-157, Ashok Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27144340

Sarvadarshan Gyan Samiti

President : Smt. Urmila Jain

B-3/28, Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27412750

General Sectary : Sh. Giri Prasad Gupta

B-1/120, Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27420392

Shre Parsavnath Yuvak Mandal

Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052

President : Sh. Ajay Kumar Jain

C-1/40, Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27233289

Shri Digamber Jain Maha Samiti

President : Sh. Sudesh Bhushan Jain

F-82, Ashok Vihar Phase-1, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27111755

General Sectary : Sh. Nanak Chand Jain

B3/111, Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27253492

Treasurer : Sh. Sumer Chand Jain

C-2/56, Ashok Vihar Phase-2, Delhi-110052, Tele : 27247405

Shri Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

Dharam Sarshani Mahasabha

Tele : 0522-267287

Jain Gazat Karyalya

Sh. Nandishwar Floor Mills

Mills Road, Ash Bagh, Lucknow, Tele : 649533

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(Madheyavarti Sambhag-Delhi Pardesh)

4864, Jain Bhawan, 24, Dariya Ganj, New Delhi-110002

Tele : 23201685, 23201686 Fax : 23289414

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(Delhi Pardesh Karyalya)

R-10A, Green Park Ext. New Delhi-110016

Tele : 26165655, 26167988, Fax : 26197656

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(East Delhi Krishna Nagar, Delhi)

President : Sh. C. P. Jain, Tele : 22200718

Vice President : Sh. Aadishwarchand Jain, Tele : 22249514

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(West Delhi Janak Puri, Delhi)

President : Sh. Rakesh Jain Tele : 25594221

Vice President: Sh. Pawan Jain, Tele : 25555816

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(North Delhi, Shakti Nagar, Delhi)

President : Sh. Abhay Jain, Tele : 27431077

Vice President : Sh. Sunil Jain, Tele : 27245678

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(South Delhi, Green Park, Delhi)

President : Sh. P. L. Jain, Tele : 26856019

Vice President : Sh. Naresh Luharia, Tele : 26107879

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(Outer Delhi Sahibabad, Loni)

President : Sh. A. K. Jain, Tele : 91-4628805

Vice President : Sh. Parveen Jain, Tele : 91-4600222

Aakhil Bharat Varshiya Digamber Jain Parishad

(Central Office Delhi Darya Ganj, Delhi)

President : Sh. Bhagat Jain, Tele : 23260754

Muni Maya Ram Jain Model School

2541, Jain Dharam Shala, Jain Sathanak Marg, Tri Nagar, Delhi-110035

(Managing Commeties)

President : Sh. Ajit Prasad Jain Tele : 27196697

Sectary : Sh. Girish Chander Jain Tele : 27153033

Treasurer : Sh. Shree Pal Jain Tele : 27193447

Guru Prem Sukh Memorial College of Engineering

Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi-110085, Tele : 27860701, 27860801

President : Sh. Subhash Chand Jain, Tele : 23269461, 22155742

Sectary : Sh. Satish Chand Jain Tele : 22926721, 23540092

Aakhil Bharatvarshiya Shwetamber Jain Conference (Yuva Branch)

Jain Bhawan, 12, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, New Delhi-110001

Tele : 23363729, 23365420, 23344380, Fax : 23344381

Shree Aakhil Jain Samaj, Rohini (Regd.)

F-4/143, Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi-110085

Tele : 27882853, 27893042, 27295418

President : Sh. Rohtash Jain

Shree Adarsh Jain Mahila Mandal, Rohini

Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi-110085

Shree Jain Nav Yuva Fedration, Rohini

Sector-16 Rohini, Delhi-110085

Jain Akta Mahila Mandal

Shastri Park (Yamuna Paar), Delhi-110053

New Freindes Club

Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

Sakal Jain Samaj

Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

Jain Muni Bhagmal Ji Maharaj

Dharam Sthal Hospital Samiti

Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

Jain Sadhvi Padam Vidha Niketan

Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

Jain Samaj Indrapuri

Shri 1008 Aadinath Digamber Jain Mandir, P. O. Loni, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

President : Sh. Tirlok Chand Jain, A-28/A, Indra Puri

Vice President : Sh. Surender Kumar Jain, A-337, Indra Puri

Sectary : Sh. Pal Jain, A-91, Indra Puri

Vice Sectary : Sh. Pankaj Kumar Jain, A-220, Indra Pura

Treasurer : Sh. Khem Chand Jain, A-32/A, Indra Puri

Delhi Pardesh Anuvarth Samiti

Anuvarth Bhawan, 210, Din Dayal Upadhyay Margh

New Delhi-110002, Tele : 23236728, 23222965

Jain Social Welfare Association

Tele : 26190291

Shree Vardhman Nilya Samiti

7-A, Raj Pur Road, Delhi-110006

A Unit of P. S. Jain Foundation, Delhi-110006

(Running A Shri Vardhman Aashram)

Shree Vardhman Jain Yuva Mahamandal (Delhi Pardesh)

982/65, Lekhu Nagar, Tri Nagar, Delhi-110035, Tele : 27155141

President : Sh. Sukhvir Jain Tele : 27155141

Sectary : Sh. Suresh Chand Jain Tele : 23526676

Treasurer : Sh. Nand Kishor Jain Tele : 23526493

Shri Sthanak Wasi Jain Sewa Sansthan (Regd.)

9/301, Sector-3, Rajinder Nagar, Ghaziabad

Tele : 24630654, 24633212, 24631349, 24634854, 24630068, 24631826



Plot no. A-56 Road No 1 MIDC Marol,

next to The International by Tunga Hotel, Mulgaon,

Andheri East,



INDIA 400093

Jain Alert Group Of India


Prarthnapith, 17, Ellora Park

Society Opp. Jain Derasar,

Naranpura Cross Roads,

Atulpark Society, Sundar

Nagar, Naranpura,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380013

Palak Shah

+91-98254 33715


Jain Alert Group of Byculla

Sheth Motisha Road,


Mumbai- 400010

Jineshbhai Doshi

+9188797 76354

























Vardhaman Sanskar Dham

Bhavani Krupa Building, 1st floor, 122, Jagannath Shankar Road, Facing Girgaum Church, Mumbai – 40004

91 87799 10406

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Places to visit for ahiṃsā life, ecofriendly environmental improved footprint in Uttarkannada, in Hubli (Indian flag) - Article – Resources & links – Hubli Ahiṃsā-Health Shops


Table of Contents


0. Wave-free road map from Mahavirgali 1

1. Organic shop

2. Dry veggies – pañcakutādi - Superfood of Rajasthan-parampara

3. Āyurvedic herbs

4. Organic cotton, cloth, khādi

5. Stationary

6. Metal first and second hand

7. Jute, bora, gani, natural fibre bags

8. Traditional kitchen objects

9. Mud pots & mud kitchen item

10. Bamboo basket, chetail, mat, sup, boxes, etc.

11. Natural brooms (plastic free)

12. Natural shoes (plastic free)

13. Trees, plants, kitchen/ medicinal garden

14. Watch

15. Computer




0. Wave-free road map from Mahavirgali


General and main roads around Mahāvīrgali

- Mahāvīr gali has three names (from Channamma circle): First name of the street Anchat gali, further named Mahavir gali, in last portion named Kanchkar gali after the round circle

- The main perpendicular to Mahāvīrgali in the Kanchkar gali section: Bhus peth main rd from Bommapura Oni (also named Herepeth / Hirpeth/ Sharof Karta/ Itagi Maruti Gali/ Bardan Gali). In the middle on circle has the Ghantikeri police station (84RR+FRV, Belgaum Galli, Ghantikeri, Durgad Bail, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020)

- First parallel to Mahāvīr gali: Dajben Peth Rd becoming Belgaum Gali

- Second parallel to Kopika Rd becoming Broadway Rd


The perpendicular roads to Mahāvīrgali from Channamma circle

. Small 1 rd only to Dajiben Peth Rd

. Small 2 rd to Dajben Peth Rd (becoming Belgaum Gali) & Kopika Rd

. Big 1 rd Victoria Rd from Moosavirmath tower to Kopika Rd

NB between the 1 & 2 big rd, Dajben Peth Rd becoming Belgaum Gali (rd of Tej Traders)

. Big 2 rd Kamanpeth Main Rd / Kamaripeth main rd to Kopika Rd

Shantinath Samskarik bhavan

. From round circle 1 rd joining Kamanpeth Main Rd becoming (slighytly on right) Maratha Gali Ganesh Peth main rd joining CBT (on the most North side)

. From round circle 2 rd joining to Kopika Rd Joining indirectly CBT (on the most South side)

. Smal 3 rd joining only Belgaum Gali (continuation of Dajben Peth Rd)

Shree Nageshvara & Vasavi temple

. Small 4 rd Kubsad Gali joining Mahatma Gandhi Market asymptote to Kopika Rd (on the 2nd left (that is the Belgaum rd) Sanmati jain handloom) (joining the Hebsur)

. Big 3 rd Bommapura Oni (see all name abobve) (rd of Tipanna Kshatri & third rd on left after Shree Nageshvara & Vasavi temple) (rd continuing in Bardan gali)

. Small 5 rd Tabada Oni [the after Mahavir Gali] Akkihonda [& then] Pagadi Gali (rd of Jain Shopee that is at the end between 2 & 3rd parallel rd to Mahavīr gali) (rd meeting the butter market)


1. Organic shop

Prāṇāyu (for fabric and cotton bags)

Purest organic, medicinal, hand made, organically grown, svadeśi, pūraṇa jāti, paramparika, medicinal ahiṃsā cotton

distributors and advisor

95 3737 4535

9663 79 4535



Organic Aramane

Gokul Rd, Ravi Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Hubballi, Karnataka 580030



Millet Monk - Millets and Organic store,

AUM Shree, Kamaxi Building, Chetana Colony, opposite Tatwadarsha Hospital, Hubballi, Karnataka 580021


Sagar Organic Store

Manohar Height Complex,Shop no 81,Beside Renuka comforts Towards Tatwadarsha Hospital Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580030


Sankalp Organic Food

67, near Rotary High School, Adarsh Nagar, Rajnagar, Vidya Nagar, Hubballi, Karnataka 580032



Patted Building, near Haripriya Hotel, Shirur Park, Vidya Nagar, Hubballi, Karnataka 580021


See other Organic Shops in Hubli



2. Dry veggies – pañcakutādi - Superfood of Rajasthan-parampara


Hema Palgota (mataji) and Purvi Palgota (daughter)

91132 45250 (Hema)

80884 52690 (Purvi)

Home delivery possible

Near Ramesh bhavan, Decora building, 3rd floor

Keshvapur, Hubli


Jain Shopee

- After Tipanna Kshatriya, next big street at the level of butter market

At the end between 2 & 3rd parallel rd to Mahavīr gali

ALAGUNDGI ONI, Pagadi Galli (continuation of Akkihonda rd), Circle, Karnataka 580020



Jain Food / Jain Shop (in Market, friend de Raju Surana)

- Inside 3rd parallel rd to Mahavīr gali but inside a perpendicular rd

- From Mahavir Gali, after Jain Shopee 1st left 1st right

Shop No.1, Tenginkai Bldg, Veerapur Rd, Hubballi, Karnataka 580028



Parshwanath Dry Fruits

Radhakrishna Galli, Ghantikeri, Durgad Bail, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580028


3. Āyurvedic herbs

Prāṇāyu (for fabric and cotton bags)

distributors and advisor

95 3737 4535

9663 79 4535



Tipanna kshatri

- 3rd big street cross street from Mahavīr gali after Shree Nageshvara & Vasavi temple

84RR+686, Hirepeth, Durgad Bail, Herepet (Bommapura Oni), Hubballi, Karnataka 580028


Hebsur (detail bulk herbs shop)

- At the coss of the street from Shree Nageshvara & Vasavi temple with the Kopikka rd

Mahatma Gandhi Market Rd, Durgad Bail, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020



Hebsur (showroom)

Ground Floor, Galaxy Mall, J C Nagar Main Rd, next to Womens college, J C Nagar, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020



Hebsur (near Railway track & railway golf)

Ward no. 3, 945Q+FX8 Sri Krishna kalyan Mantap, 163/5D, ‘Landmark, Road, opp. Girls High School, Deshpande Nagar, Hubballi, Karnataka 580029



4. Organic cotton, cloth, khādi

Prāṇāyu (for fabric and cotton bags)

Purest organic, medicinal, hand made, organically grown, svadeśi, pūraṇa jāti, paramparika, medicinal ahiṃsā cotton

distributors and advisor

95 3737 4535

9663 79 4535




WeaverBird - Medha Shah (for fabric and ready made cloth)

Among purest source of real organic, hand made, cotton...

94080 99871

From Gujarat, distributing all over India

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Among purest source of real organic, hand made, cotton...

80561 63560

From Chennai, distributing all over India

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P. D. Khatarkar (for khadi of Kora type said also Madarpate – non-bleached))

Not having ahiṃsā cotton but sincerely trying

Belgaum galli/ Javalisal, opp. Prabha hotel, near Ghantikeri police station.


Sanmati jain handloom hubli- Kids & men's cloths shop in Hubli (to be reviewed)

To be visited

Kubsad Galli (Belgaum Galli) near javalisal, Durgad Bail, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580028


5. Stationary

For ink pens, pure metal pens, wood pens, piston cartridge, paint-less pensile, etc.


Jain book & Stationary

- Begining of 2nd street after Mahavīra gali, near Ganesh trader

Shop No. 02, ATC Building, Behind Laxmi Temple, 580028, Dajiban Peth rd, Kamaripeth, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020



Janata Book & Stationeries

near to Jain book & stationary



Pakshal Paper (paxal paper) (possibly having recycled paper)

Behind Gangati Saree, Dajan peth


6. Metal first and second hand


Metal Shop Shreyams Raj (second hand metal vessel with very good service)

digambar smal second hand Shop (kaka from Shashi... and nemiraj from jinendra metals


Brahmanāth Abinandan Jain (Metal kitchen, etc. utensils, New & Second hand)

98866 32820


Pujari appliance (sale & service, cooking appliance as gas stove (new or 2nd hand), mixer, iron, flask, etc.)

Tuljabhavani temple road, dajibanpeth, Hubli

Raju pujari 9900224897

Prakash pujari 9731326500


Loharvalla – Real metal traditional artisans,

For metal hand made utensil

Mundrigi village, Karnataka


7. Jute, bora, gani, natural fibre bags

Ravendra MT Ganibags (Jute, bora, gani, natural fibre bags)

New and old bags, without plastic and without ink

Bardan galli, Hubli

944 87 86 033


Jeram Narayanji & co (Jute, bora, gani, natural fibre bags)

New and old bags, without plastic and without ink

556, Math Galli, near Chick Basti - Jain Basti, Belgavi

944 81 23 608

Millets bags:

120, Big new bag 100kg/ 85, Small new bag 50kg/

90, Big second hand 100kg, 30, Small second hand bag 50kg


8. Traditional kitchen objects

Good for health, good for nutrition, good for vastuśāstra of house, good for putting on muscle and loosing fat, good for environment, good for seva, social welfare, good for tradition

Stone flour mills, stone grinders, etc.

- Circle has the Ghantikeri police station on the Bommapura Oni (also named Herepeth / Hirpeth/ Sharof Karta/ Itagi Maruti Gali/ Bardan Gali).


Stone flour mills, stone grinders, etc.

- Gokul road


9. Mud pots & mud kitchen item

Pure traditional mud ustensils

Hadeda bahen ji (mataji) and her daughters

Cooking pots, chapati tava (on order), mud pots, mud glasses, diya

Near to Channamma circle

77957 81670


10. Bamboo basket, chetail, mat, sup, boxes, etc.

Ravi Teware (all bamboo and cane item)

Burud galli, Belgavi

95382 13555

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11. Natural brooms (plastic free)

Natural brooms

- Circle has the Ghantikeri police station on the Bommapura Oni (also named Herepeth / Hirpeth/ Sharof Karta/ Itagi Maruti Gali/ Bardan Gali).


12. Natural shoes (plastic free)

Traditional shoe stitcher from jute, leather, etc.

- In front of Savita hotel near MG market (Mahātma Gandhiji market)


13. Trees, plants, kitchen/ medicinal garden

Shree Lakshmi Nursery

For common and rare plants

After Vishal Mega Mart from Keshvapur circle, Solapur Rd, Hubli

Akashji 81478 80716


Darwar Agriculture University

For rare medicinal plants


Sanjīva Kulkarni

Biodiversity sanctuary, near Belgaum

Visit on the behalf of Prāṇāyu, Dr Noemi

94481 43100


14. Watch

Mahaveer enterprise (old or modern watch clock repair)

- From kamanpeth Main Rd (when bifurcates to then turn left right in a kamanpeth paralel small rd and then right in the 1st dead end rd)

1st Maniyar Complex,, Koppikar Rd, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020

Veer Shah



15. Computer

Jain Computer from Sanjay Jainji and family (very sincere and professional for computer and informatics equipment)

- After Mahavīr gali 3rd big parallel street, near Poorvika Showroom.

Eureka Centre, B-27, Koppikar Rd, near U-Mall, beside Poorvika Showroom, Kamaripeth, New Hubli, Hubballi, Karnataka 580020


Lapwizz Prakash on the behalf of Sanjay Jainji (for computer reparation)

- Hubli


Sunnyji (for last chance computer repair, making new computer from very old or damaged computers)

- Bangaluru



Material donations of second hand or no more used objects:
- cotton cloth (like old bed sheets, old towels, old napkin, old pillow cover, etc.) that we can use to stitch clothes or bags for the farmers, etc.
- blanckets of woole, cotton, flax, etc.
- cotton bags or jutte bags
- cloth (like shirts, t-shirts, trousours, sweeters, etc). of natural material like cotton, flax, hemp, whoole etc.
- tools to work on the wood, make fire cooking, like wood cisers, hammers, cutting players (i don't know all the names but all the manual basic tools...) in metal and wood
- cotton or natural fibres ropes
- suit case trolleys to carry things in metal without paint
- books like encyclopaedia, dictionaries, educational books of biology, medicine, literature, etc. (we were in the need of the 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' of Elaine N Marieb edited by Pearson Eduction )
- second hands laptop or phones (in usable condition)
- pencils (without pain), ink pen (in metal or plastic)
- glass syringes
- old metal containers, plates boxes or buckets
We have a small criteria that it should be in 100% natural material and devoid of endocrine disruptor as paint, etc. (fort metallic objects) as we are working with children and fragile wild ecosystem.

Satvik Vegan Society

(formerly Indian Vegan Society),

Sthitaprajna, Hoseri, Yeljith,

BYNDOOR - 576214,

Udupi Dist., Karnataka, INDIA.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Founder: Shankar Narayan

Contacted him through email

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), India

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Contacted them through email


Director – Health

Dr. Nandita Shah

AURELEC, Kuilapalayam, Auroville – 605101, Tamil Nadu.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+91 9769117747

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contacted her through email

Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)

FIAPO’s Communication Office Address:

Flat No. 230 , Pocket – A,

Second floor, Sarita Vihar,

CAT-III, New Delhi – 110076

Contact No. +91-8750777701

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contacted them through email

Living The Vegan Lifestyle

Founder: Jeannette Zehnder

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Contacted her through email


Name of Magazine


Agra, India

Amar Jagat( Monthly )

Editor : Naresh Kumar jain
28/38, Gudri Mansur Khan
Agra, Uttar Pradesh-282003
Tel: 0562-360682, 369995

Jaiswal Jain Darpan (Monthly)

Editor : G. C. Jain
6/334, Pathwari, Belanganj
Agra, Uttar Pradesh-282004
Tele : 0562-360989

Swetambar Jain (Weekly)

Editor : V. C. Lodha
Swetambatr jain Karyalaya
9/10 Moti Katra
Agra, Uttar Pradesh-282004

Shraman Bharti (Weekly)

Editor : Smt. Usharani Lodha
Shop No. 305, Block No. 40, 1st Floor
Sanjay Place, Agra
Uttar Pradesh-282002
Tele : 0562-320613

Ahmednagar, India

Sudharma (Monthly)

Editor : C. M. Tripathi
Shri Trilok Ratna Sanstha Jain Dharmik Pariksha Board
Achrya A. R. Maharaj Marg
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra-414001

Ahemdabad, India

Ahimsa Army (Fortnightly) & Vidya Amrit ( Monthly )

Editor : A. K. Jain
5/A, Jaltarang, 1st Floor
Near Shahpura Bridge
Ahemdabad, Gujarat-380009

Dharmadhara (Monthly)

Editor : Rohit Shah
118 Sherayans Complex
Jain Mandir Derasar, Navrangpura
Opp. Post office, Ahemdabad

Kewal Jin Darshan (Gujarati - Monthly)

Kewal Jin Darshan Trust
15/A, Pratap Kunj Society
Near Vasana Post Office
Ahemdabad, Gujarat-380007
Tele : 079-6614302

Pashu pakshi Manav Matri

Editor : LalBhai Methawala
Shree Jeevdaya Jankalyan Parivar
C -17, Adinath Nagar, Aodhav
Ahemdabad, Gujarat-382415

Samyak Vikas ( Quaterly)

Editor : Prakash Palawat
Samyak Charitable Trust
21, Suflam Flats, Opp Jai Hind Press
Ashram Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380009
Tele : 6587541, 6585690
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sambodhi ( Research - Yearly )

Editor : J. B. Shah & N. M. Kansara
L. D. Institute of Indology
Ahemdabad, Gujarat-380009
Tele : 079-6587541, Fax : 6581108

Tirthankar Vani ( Trilangual - Quaterly )

Editor : Dr. Sikhar Chand jain
25, Shromani Bungalow
Opposite Baroda Express Highway
Ahemdabad, Gujarat-380026
Tele : 079-5892744

Ajmer, India

Swatantra, Jain Chintan (Monthly)

Editor : N. K. Jain
253/23, Kabir Marg
Kesar Ganj, Ajmer, Rajjasthan-305001
Tele : 0145-622991, 426970

Saray- Raha (Monthly)

Editor : Navalkishore Sethi
Shri Panchayat Gotho Kay Thday Ki Nasia
Subhash Baag Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan-305001
Tele : 0145-426564

Akola, India

Sanhita (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Shri Y. Chi. Ingolay
Maji- Asistant Education Officer
'Vatsalya’ Khedkar Nagar
Akola- 444001

Alwar, India

Amamam Dipjoyti (Monthly)

Editor : Sumit K. Jain
Mahavir Marg
Alwar, Rajasthan-301001
Tele : 0144-337323, 335826

Rajasthan Times (Daily)

Editor : Gyanchand Jain
Swami Dayanand Marg
Manni Ka Bad, Alwar
Tele : 0144-331278, 20319

Aliganj, India

Ahimsa Vani (Monthly)

Editor: Virendra P. Jain
Mahavir Printing Press
Aliganj, Eta
Uttar Pradesh-207242

The Vioce of Ahimsa (Monthly-English)

Editor : Dr. M. S. Prachandia
World Jain Mishan
Aliganj, Eta
Uttar Pradesh-207242

Eta, India

Karunadip (Fortnightly)

Editor : Pradeep k. Jain
19, Saravagi Mohalla
Eta, Uttar Pradesh-207001

Aligarh, India

Jaikalyan Shri (Monthly)

Editor : Rajiv Prachandia
'Mangal Kalash'
394, Sarvodya Nagar, Agra Road
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh-202001
Tele : 0571-410486

Aara, India

Jain Siddhant Bhaskar (Jain Antiquary) (Research- Halfyearly)

Editor : Rajaram Jain
Jain Siddhant Bhawan
Devashram, Aara

Mahavir Vimal Deshna (Monthly)

Secretary: Ajay K. Jain
Devashram, Mahadeva Road
Aara, Bihar-802301

Ashok Nagar

Shri Vidyasagar Times (Weekly)

Editor : Narendra Jain
Bajaria Mohalla
Ashok Nagar, Guna
Madhya Pradesh-473331
Tele : 07543-22475, 22519

Bahubalini (Kolahpur)

Sanmati (Monthly-Marathi)

Editor : Manikchand J. Shisikar
Bahubali Vidyapith
Bahubali Ji, Kolahpur
Madhya Pradesh- 416110
Tele : 484422


Moksh Dwar Gyan Patrika (Fortnightly)

Editor : Gautam Chand Oastwal "Visharad"
J- 81, Ist- Floor, 9th Cross
Laxmi Narayan Puram (Shriram Puram Area)
Bangalore, Karnataka-580021
Tele : 080-3328512


Vijay ind sandesh (Fortnightly)

Editor : Prakashchand Bohra
Arihant Bhawan, Sadar Bazar
Barmer, Rajastha-344001
Tele : (O) 20430, (R) 20945

Bhamar (Banaskantha)

Shanti Saurabh (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Arvindbhai Gandhi
Shri Budhilal Shantichand Sewa Samiti
Shanti Saurabh Tower
Bhamar Vaya Palanpur
Tele : 22951


Atma Jagriti (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Viranjilal Jain
Shri Vir Kundkund Kahan Nihal Sogani Trust
1004-B, Hon Pahala Mala
Tel : 0278-429680


Swanubhuti Prakash (Monthly)

Editor : Hiralal Jain
580, Juni Manak Vadi
Tele : 0278-423207


Dharam joyti (Monthly)

Editor : Madanlal Jain
Dharam Joyti Parishad
84, Balaji Market
Bhilwara- 311001
Tele : 01482-20525

Jainam times (Monthly)

Editor : Dipesh Nenavati
5/14, Kashipuri
Tele : (O) 01482-27141, (R) 26341

Swadhyay Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Ratanlal Jain
Shri Swetambar Sthanak
Jain Swadhyayi Sangh
Gulabpura, Bhilwara-311021
Tele : (O) 01482-23592, (R) 23475


Margdarshak (Weekly)

Editor : Devendra K. Jain
Ruchi Prints, Santosh Tower, Ist Floor
148, Zone Isd, M. P. Nagar
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-456002
Tele : 0755-566999

Nirantar Pravah (Weekly)

Editor : Rachati Jain
Vimla Bhawan, 112 Malviya Nagar
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh-456010

Taran Bandhu (Monthly)

Editor : Sunita Jain
A-15, T. T. I. Colony
Shyamla Hills, Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh-462002
Tele : 0755-564401

Bhopura (Ghaziabad)

Pashucharcha (Monthly)

Editor : Praveen Jain
Shri Vardhman Computer Centre
D-2, 19/3, D. L. F. Dilsad Plaza
Bhopura, Ghaziabad
Uttar Pradesh
Tele : 625993


Ajaramar Joyat (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Mayur R. Boria
S-14, K. D. Commercial Centre
2nd Floor, New Station Road
Bhuj-Kutch- 370001
Tele : 02832-51454


Shramanopasak (Fortnightly)

Editor : Champalal Daga
Akhil Bharatiya Sadhumargi Jain Sangh
Samta Bhawan, Rampuria Marg
Bikaner, Rajasthan-334001
Tele : 0151-544876, Fax : 0151-203150

Bina (Sagar)

Anekant Darpan (Yearly)

Editor : Ratanchand Jain/Nihalchandjain
Anekant Gyan Temple Research Sansthan
Bina, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh-470113
Tele : 07580-21044


Taruvar Turakhiya (Gujarati-Bymonthly)

Editor : Ramnik Bhai Turakhiya
F/2, Mahisagar Appartments
Near. Amar Complex
New Sabha Road
Baroda- 390008
Tele : 0265-780258, 785542, 780736


Akhil Bharatiya D. Jain Vidwat Parishad Patrika (Quarterly)

Editor : Suparshav K. Jain
16, Staff Quarters, Nehru Road
Barot, Uttar Pradesh-250611


Dayoday (Yearly)

Editor : Bhagchand Paharia Flesh Export
Opposition Parishad Vishal Cotton Mills
P. V. 8, Chowk Maliwara
Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh-450331
Tele : 07325-52969, 55409

Pasharvjoyti (Monthly)

Editor : Surendra K. Jain
L/65, New Indira Nagar
Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh-450009

Sthadwad Gyanganga (Monthly)

Editor : Surendra K. Jain "Bharti"
A/170, Indira Nagar
Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh-450331


Alok Stambh (Quarterly)

Editor : Kamal Yoga
Ramokar Mahamantralaya
Saravagi Mohalla
Bwevar- 305901
Tele : 01462-20610, 22870

Samyag Darshan (Monthly)

Editor : Namichand Banthia
Akhil Bharatiya Sudharam Jain Sanskriti Rakshak Sangh
Banthia Sadan, Nehru Gate
Tele : 01462-51216, 20669


Arham Kushal Nirdesh (Monthly)

Editor : Bhanwarlal Nahata
5/A, Laxminarayan Mukherjee Road
Kolkata, West Bengal-700091

The Vegitarian Guide (Bylangual-Monthly)

Editor : Viranjilal Bagra
The Indian Vegetarian Congress
Eastern Zone, 46 Stand Road
Kolkata, West Bengal-700007
Tele : 0495-2385449, 2327621

Divya Uday (Monthly)

Editor : Ajit K. Patni
Divya Uday Karyalaya
7, Anukul Mukherjee Road
Kolkata, West Bengal-700006

Disha Bodh (Monthly)

Editor : Chiranjilal Bagra
46, Strand Road, 3rd Floor
Kolkata, West Bengal-700007
Tele : 0485-238-5449, 232-7621, Fax : 2326572

Jain Jounral (Research-Quarterly)

Editor : Satyaranjan Banerjee
Jain Bhawan
P-25, Kalakar Street
Kolkata, West Bengal-700007

Tithayar (Monthly)

Editor : Smt. Lata K. Bothra
"Jain Bhawan"
P-25, Kalakar Street
Kolkata, West Bengal-700007
Tele : 0495-2382655


Mukkudai (Chhatratraya) (Monthly)

Editor : D. Sampath Kumar
Jain Youth Forum
3, Boag Road
Chennai, Tamilnadu-600017


Mewar Malva Kiran (Monthly)

Editor : Ajit Modi
Mewar Malva Kiran Karyalaya

Devnand (Saharanpur)

Jain Pradeep (Monthly)

Editor : Kulbhushan K. Jain
Joyati Chetna Sansthan
Prem Bhawan, Chahparas
Devnand, Saharanpur
Uttar Pradesh-247554
Tele : 01336-22175

Deshnok (Bikaner)

Samta Saurabh (Research-Quarterly)

Editor : Inderchand Baid
Samta Siksha Sewa Sansthan
Deshnok, Bikaner

Devlali (Nasik)

Guruprasad (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Sumanbhai Ramji Bhai Doshi
Pujya Shri Kanji Swami Smarak Trust
Lane Road, Balgahan Road
Devlali, Vaya, Nashik

New Delhi

Ahichatra (Monthly)

Editor : Ashok Jain Dhiraj Shastri
P-129, Gali No. 9
Shankar Nagar Extension
Tele : 011-2233503, 2050265, 2233770

Anekant (Research-Quarterly)

Editor : Padamchand Jain Shastri
Veer Sewa Mandir
21, Dariyaganj
New Delhi- 110002
Tele : 011-3250522

Arhant Jain Ttimes (Monthly)

Editor : Gautam Oswal
Arhant Jain Sangh, Acharaya Sushil Ashram
C-599 Chetna Marg, Defence Colony
New Delhi- 110024
Tele : 011-4622729, 4627282

Apki Samasya Hamara Samadhan (Monthly)

Editor : Ashok Sahajanand
239, Dariba Kalan
Delhi- 110006
Tele : 011-3278761

Anuvrat (Fortnightly)

Editor : Ajay Chopra
Akhil Bharatiya Anuvrat Bhawan
210 Dindayal Updhayay Marg
New Delhi- 110002
Tele : 011-3233345, Fax : 3236693

Ahimsa Samachar (Quarterly)

Editor : Laxminarayan Modi
Ahinsa Sthal, Mauharolli
New Delhi- 110030
Tele : 011-6519824, 6510789, 6505097
Fax : 11-6528679

Bharatiya Jain Milan Samachar (Monthly)

Editor : Veer Sumat P. Jain
1/26-A, Lalita Park
Laxminagar, Vikas Marg

Darshan Gyan Charitra (Monthly)

Editor : Vijay Jain Luharia
1274, Vedwara
Tele : 011-3284778, 3272667

Digambar Jain Mahasamiti Patrika (Fortnightly)

Editor : Ashok Jain Barjatiya
Shri Khandelwal Digambar Jain Mandir
Behind Shivaji Stadium, Cannaught Circus
New Delhi-110001
Tele : 011-3732102

Jain Prakash (Fortnightly)

Editor : Manakchand Kothari Jain
Akhil Bharatiya Swetambar Sthanak Jain Conference
Jain Bhawan, 12 Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg
Gole Market, New Delhi-110001

Jain Pracharak (Monthly)

Editor : Suresh Chand Jain
Shri Bharatvarshiya Anath Rakshak Jain Society
Jain Balashram, Dariyaganj
New Delhi- 110002
Tele : 011-3285676, 3277424

Jin Pragya (Quarterly)

Editor : Bhag Chand Jain
14, Bhagatsingh Marg
Gole Market, New Delhi-110001

Jharta Karuna Srot (Monthly)

Editor : Prakash C. Jain
F-2642, Netaji Nagar
New Delhi-110023
Tele : 011-6884279

Mokshgami (Monthly)

Editor : Surendra K. Jain
Mokshgami Sewa Kendriya Karyalaya
D-209, Dilshad Garden
Tele : 011-2122817, 2201815

Namo Tithasav (Monthly)

Editor : Lalit K. Nahata
Shri Swetambar Murtipujak Jain Tirth Raksha Trust
Flat No. 6, (Ground-Floor) Golf Apartment
Maharshi Raman Marg
New Delhi-110003
Tele : 4618844, 4619966, Fax : 4604357

Nansayar (Quarterly)

Editor : Kusum Jain
Arihant International
B-5/263, Yamuna Vihar
Delhi- 110053
Tele : 2170794

Pashu Charcha / Animal Talk (Quarterly)

Editor : Praveen Jain
SPCA, Lala Hardev Shayay Marg
Old Bolword Road
Tele : 3965369

Prakrit Vidya (Research-Quarterly)

Editor : Sudip Jain
Kundkund Bharti
18-B, Special Institutional Area
New Delhi- 110067
Tele : 011-6564510, Fax : 6856286

Sneh Bandhan (Monthly)

Editor : Suman Jain "Bhushan"
C-178/B, Hari Nagar, Ghantaghar
New Delhi-110064
Tele : 5405221, 5492603

Sthulibhatt Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Lalit K. Nahata
21, Anand Lok, August Kanti Marg
New Delhi- 110049
Tele : 011-6251065, Fax : 6250797

Sanmati Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Prakash Hiteshi "Shastri"
535, Jain Mandir Gali
Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110031
Tele : 011-2205372

Sehaj Anand (Quarterly)

Editor : Meghraj Jain
Megh Prakashan, 239, Gali Kunjas
Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006
Tele : 011-3278761

Vani Mahima (Monthly)

Editor : Nemkumar Jain
B-976, Shastri Nagar
Tele : 011-2242270

Vivah Suchana Kendra (Monthly)

Editor : Hanskumar Jain
Bharatiya Jain Milan
37, Ist Floor, Defence Enclave
Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092
Tele : 011-2242270

Vigyapti ( Monthly)

Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
Deen Dayal Upadhayay Marg
New Delhi-110002
Tele : 011-3234641, 3238980

Veer (Fortnightly)

Editor : Parasdas Jain
10, Dariyaganj
New Delhi-110002
Tele : 011-3260754

Drishti (Monthly)

Editor : Pukhraj Sethia
210, Dindayal Upadhayay Marg
New Delhi-110002

Ocean of Indology (Half Yearly)

Editor : Kusum Jain
Megh Prakashan
239, Gali Kunjas
Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006


Saptahik Adhinath Times (Weekly)

Editor : Anand K. Jain
2, Pratap Marg, Dhar
Madhya Pradesh-454001

Dholaka (Ahemdabad)

Divya Darshan (Weekly-Gujarati)

Editor : Kumarpal V. Shah
Maklipur Char Rasta
Dholaka, Ahemdabad-387810

Tirthkar Divya Darshan (Fortnightly)

Editor : Kumarpal V. Shah
Divya Darshan Trust
39, Kalikund Society
Maklipur Char Rasta
Dholaka, Ahemdabad-387810


Tirthkar (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Shraynik Anndatay
D-6, Rajhans A. Tilak Nagar
Borivali East, Mumbai
Tele : (O) 0251-435968 (R) 454149

Easri Bazar (Gridih)

Samedawal Rashmi (Weekly)

Editor : Amal Kumar Jain
Easri Bazar, Giridih
Tele : 06558-33369, Fax : 22680


Ahimsa Mahakumbh (Monthly)

Editor : Mukul Jain
196, Sector-18
Faridabad, Haryana-121002
Tele : 0129-262549

Fatehpur (Barabanki)

Yuwa Parishad Buletin (Monthly)

Editor : Vijay K. Jain "Reporter"
Bhagwan Mahaveer Marg
Tehsil Fatehpur, Barabanki
Uttar Pradesh-225305
Tele : 05240-22546, 22556

Ganga Shahar (Bikaner)

Jain Bharti (Monthly)

Editor : Shubhu Patwa
Terapanth Bhawan
Ganga Shahar, Bikaner

Gopalpura (Churu)

Arham Ashram Vigyapti (Monthly)

Editor : Amar Chand Borad 'Advocate'
Arham Ashram Donanchal
Gopalpura, Churu


Jain Buletin (Monthly)

Editor : Rakesh Sethi
Shri Digambar Jain Yuwa Vichar Manch
Chand Market, A. T. Road
Guwahati, Assam-781001

Parshad (Monthly)

Editor : Vimal Jain
Shri Mahaveer Jain Parishad
Shri Digambar Jain Mandir
S. R. C. B. Road, Fancy Bazar
Guwahati, Assam-781001
Tele : 0361-592778, Fax : 546765


Pushpwarta (Monthly)

Editor : Pramod K. JAIN
Jain Printing Press, Sabu Ji Ka Bada
Dal Bazar, Lashkar, Gwalior
Madhya Pradesh-474001
Tele : 0751-323568, 336763

Vyapar Samachar Ptra (Monthly)

Editor : Champalal Jain
Madhavganj, Gwalior
Madhya Pradesh-474001

Hastinapur (Meerut)

Samyaggyan (Monthly)

Editor : Ravindra K. Jain
Digambar Jain Trilok Shodh Sansthan
Jambudwip, Hastinapur
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh-250404
Tele : 01233-80184, 80236


Anuvrat Bhavna (Monthly)

Editor : Rajendra P. Jain
Haryana Pradeshik Anuvrat Samiti
Shersingh Memorial Terapanth Bhawan
141/W, Model Town
Hisar, Haryana-125005


Jinendra Vani (Kannada-Monthly)

Editor : Shantinath K. Hotpeti
'Sanmati Nilay'
6, Bammapur Gali
Hubli, Karnataka-580028
Tele : 0836-364154, 365491


Jain Baladarsh (Monthly)

Editor : Mridula Jain
Jain Vidyalaya
56/62, Chahchand, Zero Road
Allahaba, Uttar Pradesh-211003


Arhat Vachan (Bylangual Research-Quarterly)

Editor : Anupam Jain
Kundakunda Gyanpith
584, M. G. Road, Tukoganj
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : 0731-545421, 545744 , Fax : 0731-787790

Thumar Sandesh (Quarterly)

Editor : Dilip Mehta
E.H. 37, Scheme No. 54
Vijay Nagar, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452002

Thumar Mitra (Aniyatkalik)

Editor : Surajmal Bobra
Shri Thumar Jain Samaj Trust
9/2, Snehlataganj
Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Jinendra Ki Awaj (Fortnightly)

Editor : Santosh Jain 'Mama'
13, Rukmani Nagar
Chota Bagdatha Road, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452002
Tele : 0731-416521

Jain Prateek (Monthly)

Editor : Narendra K. Raka
19/6 South Tukoganj, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452002

Jain Janmat Darpan (Monthly)

Editor : Rishabh Jain
Am-11/126, Sukhliya, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452008
Tele : 0731-558899

Mantung Pusp (Fortnightly)

Editor : Subhash Chand Gangwal
174, M. T. Cloth Market, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452002
Tele : 0731-450130

Navkar Times (Monthly)

Editor : Subhash Jain 'Waqt'
18, Sutar Gali, Nagar Nigam Road
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452007
Tele : 546266, Fax: 0731-532832

Pusp Yug (Monthly)

Editor : Ajay K. Kasliwal 'Panchi'
Ashupanchi Naveltij
90/1, Khatipura Chowraha
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452007

Parinay Prateek (Monthly)

Editor : Ashok Barjatiya
Digambar Jain Marriage Beuro
C/O A-16, Neminagar, Jain Colony
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452009
Tele : 0731-475527

Porwal Navjoyti (Monthly)

Editor : Babulal Jain Porwal
Kamal Survey Bhandar
226, Jawahar Marg, Rajmohalla
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452002

Rishabh Deshna (Monthly)

Editor : Suman Jain
Secretary : A. B. D. Jain Mahila Sangathan
M. S. J. House
36-37, Kanchan Bagh
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : 0731- 520034, 513351

Sanmati Vani (Monthly)

Editor : Jaisen Jain
Mahavir Trust Karyalaya
63, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : (R) 0731-700020, (O) 701969

Sanskar Sagar (Monthly)

Editor : Jinesh Malaya
Shri Digambar Jain Panch Balyati Mandir
Opp. Satyam Gas, A. B. Road
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452010
Tele : 0731-571851, 223732, Fax : 0731-443011

Shakahar Kranti (Monthly)

Editor : Nemichand Jain
65, Patrakar Colony
Canadiya Road
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : 0731-565204, 565271, Fax : 0731- 565308

Shri Gupti Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Suman Shastri
Upadhayay Guptisagar Sahitya Sansthan
215, Kalani Nagar
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452005

Tapovan (Monthly)

Editor : Rajendra Nagawat
1695, Scheme No. 71B,
Behind Ranjit Hanuman,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452009

Tirthkar (Monthly)

Editor : Nemichand Jain
65, Patrakar Colony
Canadiya Road, Indore
Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : 0731-565204, 565271, Fax : 0731-565308

Veer Nikalank (Monthly)

Editor : Ramesh Kasliwal
24/5, Parasi Mohalla
Chavni, Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452001
Tele : 0731-701672

Vardhman Aur Vartman (Aniyatkalik)

Editor : Kamini Jain
18/1, Peergali, Krishnapura
Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452004
Tele : 531481


Anekant Path (Weekly)

Editor : Suresh Chand Jain
Anekant Printers
367 Sarafa Bond Bazar
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh-482003
Tele : 0761-440871

Kundakunda Vani (Monthly)

Editor : Kamal K. Jain Wakliwal
Shri Kundakunda Prakashan
125, Madanmahal Ward
Gulaua Chowk, Gara
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh-482003
Tele : 0761-427844

Rishabh Bharti (Monthly)

Editor : Prabha Jain
Shri Brahmi Sundri Prasthasram
21 Kanchan Vihar, Vijay Nagar Colony
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh-482002
Tele : 0761-349189


Ahimsa (Fortnightly)

Editor : Tarachand Jain
712, Bordi Ka Rasta, Kishanpol Bazar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302003
Tele : 0141-321896, 313285, Fax : 0141-317420

Anokhi Patrika (Fortnightly)

Editor : Manish K. Baid
S-21, Sardar Bhawan
Mangal Marg, Bapu Nagar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302001
Tele : 0141-517059, Fax: 512834

Apbhransh Bharti (Half-Yearly Research)

Editor : K. C. Sogani
Jain Vidya Sansthan
Digambar Jain Nasiya Bhattarak Ji
Narayan Circle, Sawai Ramsingh Road
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302004
Tele : 0141-382847

Akhil Vishav Jain Mishan Buletin (Quarterly)

Editor : Tarachand Jain "Bakshi"
Bakshi Bhawan, New Colony
Paanch Batti, Jaipur
Tele : 0141-373758

Jinvani (Monthly)

Editor : Sanjeev Bhanawat
Samyaggyan Pracharak Mandal
Shop No. 182-183, Bapu Bazar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302003
Tele : 0141-565997

Jain Darpan (Monthly)

Editor : Premchand Jain Barjatiya
31/B/3, Swarn Path
Nilam Path Mansarovar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302020
Tele : 0141-391866

Jain Path Pradarshak (Fortnightly)

Editor : Ratanchand Bharill
Todarmal Smarak Trust
A-4, Bapu Nagar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302015
Tele : 0141-515581, 515458

Jain Samaj (Weekly)

Editor : Jainendra K. Jain
Young Leader Press
2073 Ghee Walo Ka Rasta
Johari Bazar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302003

Jain Vidya (Research-Half Yearly)

Editor : K. C. Sogani
Jain Vidya Sansthan
Digambar Jain Nasiya Bhattarak Ji
Narayan Circle, Sawai Ramsingh Road
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302004
Tele : 0141-382847

Shri Manibhatt (Monthly)

Editor : Motilal Bharkatiya
Shri Atmanand Jain Sabha Bhawan
Ghee Walo Ka Rasta, Johari Bazar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302003
Tele : 0141-563260, 569494

Samanvya Vani (Fortnightly)

Editor : Akhil Bansal
129-B, Jadon Nagar
Station Road, Durgapura
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302018
Tele : 0141-722274, 721819

Shri Rajendra Vidya Prakash (Monthly)

Editor : Bhagwan Sahaya Vashisth
154, Haldiyon Ka Rasta
Johari Bazar, Jaipur
Tele : 0141-573622

Vidwat Sandesh (Quarterly)

Editor : Akhil Bansal
129 B, Jadon Nagar
Station Road, Durgapura
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302018
Tele : 0141-722274, 721819

Veetrag Vigyan (Monthly)

Editor : Hukumchand Bharill
P. Todarmal Smarak Trust
A-4, Bapu Nagar
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302015

Veer Vani (Fortnightly)

Editor : Nirmal K. Barjatiya
Maniharon Ka Rasta
Jaipur, Rajasthan-302001
Tele : (O) 0141-313525, (R) 650273

Jaisinghpur (Kolahpur)

Pragati Ani Jinvijay (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Subhash Akkolay
'Sewayog' Shahunagar
Jaisinghpur, Kolahpur
Tele : 25962


Dharam Mangal (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Lilawati Kantilal Jain
4/5, Bhikamchand Jain Nagar
Pimprala Road, Jalgaon
Tele : 0257-251830


Jain Shasan (Yearly-Gujarati)

Editor : Suresh K. Seth
Shrut Gyan Bhawan
45, Digvijay Plot
Jamnagar, Gujarat-361005

Mahaveer Shasan (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Maganlal C. Mehta
Shree Mahaveer Shasan Karyalaya
Jamnagar, Gujarat-361001

Jawra (Ratlam)

Janmat Times (Weekly)

Editor : Prakash Chajjer
24, Gandhi Colony
Jawra, Ratlam
Madhya Pradesh-457226
Tele : 07414-21139, 21339, 29238


Oswal Hiteshi (Monthly)

Editor : Fatehsingh Jain
Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342002

Jin Sutra (Fortnightly)

Editor : Mohan Ratnesh
62, Shreyans
Amar Nagar, Pal Road
Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342001
Tele : 0291-433589

Tarun Jain (Weekly)

Editor : Fatehsingh Jain
Tarun Jain Karyalaya
Near. Tripoliya
Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342002


Adhyatam Parv Patrika (Monthly)

Editor : Narendra K. Jain
Adarsh Prakashan
128, Chowtharyana
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh-284002
Tele : 443244

Junagarh (Girnar)

Nirmal Dhyan Joyti (Monthly)

Editor : Motilal Jain 'Martand'
Nirmal Dhyan Joyti Kendra
Girnar Talhati
Junagarh, Gujarat-362004


Khargon Times (Weekly)

Editor : Sailesh Jain
Jain Printing Press, Nutan Nagar
Khargon, Madhya Pradesh-451001
Tele : 31581


A.B.D. Jain Shastri Parishad Buletin (Quarterly)

Editor : Kapur Chand Jain
Kundkund Mahavidyalaya
Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar
Uttar Pradesh-251201
Tele : 01316-73339

Koba (Gandhinagar)

Divya Dhwani (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Suresh Rawal
Shri Satshrut Sewa Sadhna Kendra
Shrimad Ramchandra Adhyatmik Sadhna Kendra
Koba, Gandhinagar
Tele : 02712-76219, 76142


Labdhi Kripa (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Abhay S. Gandhi
Shree Labdhi Kripa Prakashan Samiti
53-B, Gita Gujari, Kolahpur

Veer Sewa Dal (Monthly-Marathi)

Digambar Jain Boarding House
Kolahpur, Maharashtra-416003

Kundakunda Nagar

A. K. K. E. F. News (Quarterly-English)

Editor : Pulver J. Bhanuranjan
Kundakunda Foundation
Kundakunda Nagar

Arhat Tatvam

Editor : J. Bhanuranjan
Acharya Kundakunda Tatva Prakashan Samiti
Kundakunda Nagar
Tele : 04183-25033

Shrutkevali (Maltilangual-Monthly)

Editor : M. Jennathan
Shei Shrutkevali Bhadrabahu Swami Sevadal
Shri Visakha Acharya Tapo Nilayan
Ilnandiyambadi Salai,Kundakunda Nagar
Tele : 04183-25693, 25912, Fax : 26693

Kupkalan (Sangrur)

Mun Sthan

Editor : Krishnanand Shastri Jain Muni
Shri Vimal Sanmati Charitable Trust
Sanmati Nagar, Kupkalan
Sangrur, Punjab-148019
Tele : 01675-83064, 83637

Ladnun (Nagaur)

Pekshadhyan (Monthly)

Editor : Dr. Sohan Raj Tater
Tulsi Adhyatam Niham
Jain Vishav Bharti
Ladnun, Nagaur
Tele : 01581-22119

Terapanth Times (Weekly)

Editor : Padamchand Patwari AB
Terapanth Youthparishad Yuwa Lok
Jain Vishav Bharti, P. B. No. 16
Ladnun, Nagaur, Rajasthan-341306
Tele : 01581-22114

Tulsi Pragya (Quarterly-Research)

Editor : Mumukshu Dr. Shanta Jain
Jain Vishav Bharti Sansthan
Adnun, Nagaur
Tele : (O) 01581-22110, (R) 23216, Fax : 22116, 22230

Vigyapti Terapanth (Weekly)

Editor : Kamlesh Chaturvedi Adrash Sahitiya Sangh
Jain Visav Bharti, Ladnun, Nagaur


Dharamvani (Monthly)

Editor : Kailash Chandra Jain
'Panchratan' 'Kailash Kuteer'
411/76, Pulgama Chowk
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226003
Tele : 0522-267075

Jain Mahiladarsh (Monthly)

Editor : Neelam Jain
Jain Mahiladarsh Karyalaya
Nandishwar Floor Mill, Ashbagh
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226004
Tele & Fax : 0522-267287

Jain Gajat (Weekly)

Editor : Narendra Prakash Jain, Pracharya
Shri Nandishwar Floor Mills Compound
Mill Road, Ashbagh,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226004
Tele & Fax : 0522-267287

Satyarth (Fortnightly)

Editor : Kailash Chandra Jain
"Panchratan", "Kailash Kuteer"
411/76, Pulgama Chowk,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226003
Tele : 0522-267075

Shodhadarsh (Four-Monthly-Research)

Editor : Shashikant Jain
'Joyti Nikunj'
Charbagh, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh-226004
Tele : 0522-450085, 452064


Janpriya (Weekly)

Editor : Bahubali K. Jain
8, Civil Lines, Lalitpur
Uttar Pradesh-284403
Tele : (O) 05176-72845, (R) 72911


Atam Rashmi (Monthly)

Editor : Tilakdhar 'Shastri'
Jain Sthanak, Atam Chowk
Ludhiana, Punjab-141008

Nutan Jain Patrika (Monthly)

Editor : Gajendra Pal Chabra Jain
48, Model Gram Extension
Ludhiana, Punjab-141002

Vijayanand (Monthly)

Editor : Baldev Raj Ji Jain
Shri Atmanand Jain Mahasabha
Mahaveer Bhawan, Chawal Bazar
Ludhiana, Punjab-141008

Mangitungi Ji (Nasik)

Manaviya Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Surajmal Ganeshlal Jain
Mangitungi Ji, Satana
Nasik, Maharashtra-423301


Jain Sandesh (Weekly)

Editor : Rajaram Jain
Bharatiya Digambar Jain Sangh
Sangh Bhawan, Chowrasi
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh-281004

Shri Palliwal Jain Patrika

Editor : Rajendra P. Jain
C-7, Sudha Sadan, Nanak Nagar
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh-281001
Tele: 0565-404859, 400771


Sarak Joyti (Monthly)

Editor : Subhash Chandra Jain (Principal)
Gyan Bhawan
150, Khandak Bazar, Meerut
Uttar Pradesh-250002
Tele : 0121-521285

Shashwat Tirth (Fortnightly)

Editor : Naresh Chand Jain
172, Prempuri, Meerut
Uttar Pradesh-25002
Tele : 0121-51412

Motera (Gandhinagar)

Yatind Vani (Monthly)

Editor : Bhanwar Lal Jain
Shri Rajendra Shanti Vihar
Motera, Sabarmati Gandhinagar Highway
Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382424
Tele : 02712-22649


Divya Cachan (Monthly)

Editor : Divya Amitkumar Jain
Jain Sahitya Sadan
24/1, Prempuri
Uttar Pradesh-251002

Varni Pravachan (Monthly)

Editor : Sumerchand Jain
Secretary : Varni Pravachan Sansthan
15, Prempuri, Muzaffarnagar
Uttar Pradesh- 251002
Tele : 0131-450731


Adhayatam Vigyan (Gujarati-Quarterly)

Editor : Dinesh Bhai Modi
Alok Dinesh Modi
924, Stock Exchange Tower, Dalal Street
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400023
Tele : 0222-270613, 270623, 27592, 276218

Oswal Samachar (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Hansraj Meghna Sandariya
Sarvodya Shopping Centre, Pankaj
21, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Khar
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400052
Tele : 022-9004812, 9463391

Oswal Jagat (Quarterly)

Editor : Nandlal Bhatia 'Naval'
Oswal Mitra Mandal Karyalaya
59, Jali Maker, Chamber No. 2
Nariman Point, Mumbai

Dasha Shrimali (Fortnightly)

Editor : Jayant Mehta
Shri Saurashtra Dasha Shrimali Sewa Sangh
Kamani Dasha Shrimali Badi, 2 Mala
542, J. S. U. Road, Cheera Bazar
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400002
Tele : 022-2016960, 2088627

Digambar Jain Association of India (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Natwar S. Shah
Mahaveer Jain Vidyalaya
August Kranti Marg
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400036

Gajendra Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Babulal Jain 'Ujjwal'
105, Tirupati Apartments
Akurli Cross, Road No. 1
Near Railway Station, Kandiwali (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400001

Gun Bharti (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Jethalal Veerji Vangar
Gun Bharti Prakashan Charitable Trust
Shri Gautam Nidhi Gun Sagar Suri Jainmegh
Sanskriti Bhawan, Meghratna Building
Derasar Lane, Ghatkopar (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400077

Ghoghari Jain Darshan (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Nagindas Shah "Wabarikar"
Shri Ghoghari Jain Sewa Sangh
51, Dariyasthan Street
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400003

Jineshwar (Monthly)

Editor : Pradeep Surana
Rajendra Darsani
A-7/17, Mahesh Nagar
Goregaon (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400062

Jain Pravachan (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Sagarmal Raichand Ji
Shri Jain Pravachan Pracharak Sansthan
96, Dhanji Street, 3rd Floor
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400003

Jain Vichar Sarita

Editor : Premchand S. Jain 'Premkamal'
22, Shantinagar, Sainath Road, Malad (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400064
Tele : 022-8161641

Jain Jagat (Monthly)

Editor : Shanti Prasad Jain
Bharat Jain Mahamandal
108-A, Standard House, P. B. 2590
83, Maharshi Karvey Road
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400002
Tele : 022-361910, Fax : 36455

Jain Ekta Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Babulal Jain "Ujjwal"
105 Tirupati Apartments,
Akurli Cross, Road No. 1
Near Railway Fatak, Kandiwali (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400001

Jain Shikshan Sahitya Patrika (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Kantilal Sukhlal Shah
Shri Jain Dharmik Shikshan Sangh Mumbai
Shri Shantinath Jain Derasar
Vijay Vallabh Chowk, Payedhuni
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400003

Jain Ptrakar Buletin (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Natwarlal Shah
Mumbai Jain Ptrakar Sangh
Hanuman Building, 2nd Floor, Piket Road
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400002

Jain Prakash (Gujarati-Fortnightly)

Editor : Brajlal Kanurchand Gandhi
Akhil Bharatiya Swetambar Sthanak Jain Conference
Tribhuwan Building
1, Vijay Vallabh Chowk, Payedhuni
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400003
Tele : 022-3422927

Kutch Rachna (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Bhiwan Ji Gala
214, Nasrinatha Street, Bhat Bazar
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400008

Kathiyawar Jain (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor: Gunwant Barvaliya (Gunjan)
Shri Kathiyawar Sthanak Jain Samaj
14, Ealchiwala Estate, Ghatkopar (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400086
Tele : 022-5221660, 5233736

Kushal Times (Monthly)

Editor : Shanti P. Jain
4F/A2, Court Chambers
35, New Marin Lines
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400020
Tele : 022-2039979, Fax : 200209

Mahaveer Vichar (Monthly)

Editor : Shanti P. Jain
4F/A2, Court Chambers
35 New Marin Lines
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400020
Tele : 022-2039979, Fax : 200209

Mangal Yatra (Monthly)

Editor : Shri Nagin Bhai Shah
Yusuf Building, IV- Floor
Veer Nariman Road
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400023

Punam Prakash (Bylangual-Monthly)

Shri Mahaveer Sewa Trust
Mansukhlal v. Jain
Clinic, 33-A Puspa Park
Dufftari Road, Malah (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400097

Porwal Kranti (Monthly)

Editor : Babulal Jain 'Ujjwal'
105, Tirupati Apartments
Akurli Corss, Road No. 1
Near Railway Station, Kandiwali (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400001

Porwad Bandhu (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Jyantilal Dalal
4/15, Sona Udyog Estate
Parasi Panchayat Road, Andheri (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400069

Prabudh Jiwan (Gujarait-Fortnightly)

Editor : Ramanlal V. Shah
Mumbai Jain Yuwak Sangh
385, S. V. P. Road
Prathana Samaj, Mumbai
Tele : 022-382096

Swahitwal Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Dilip Y. Ingolay
2, Umaiya Bhawan K. A. H. Society
Near Dr. Rajendra Prasad Marg
Vardhman Nagar, Mulund (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400080
Tele : 022-5680589, 5650477

Saurath Veesa Shrimali (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Chunni Bhai Parekh
Tarachand Dhul Ji Bhai
Mehta Karyalaya, 8 Devkaran Bhumiyon
Vitthaldas Road, Mumbai

Shri Jhalawadi Sthanakwasi Jain Sabha(Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor: Shri Ramanlal Veerchand Seth
Shri Jhalawadi Sthnakwasi Jain Sabha
47, Dr. M. V. Velkar Street
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400002

Sushil Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Shri Nainmal Surana
4/6, Rani Sati Nagar
S. V. Road, Malad (West)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400064
Tele : 022-8891511

Tirthkar Divya Sandesh (Monthly)

Editor : Surendra Jain
Divya Sandesh Prakashan
4, Mary Vila Building
Mathuradas Vasan Ji Road, Andheri (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400069
Tele : (R) 022-8383140, (O) 2034529

Tirth Vandana (Monthly)

Editor : Umanath Dubey
Bharatiya Digambar Jain Tirth Shetra Committee
C. P. Tank, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400004

Veetraag Sandesh (Gujarati-Monthly)

Akhil Bharatiya Achalgutch Swetambar Jain Sangh
110-B, New Hanuman Building
Keshavji Nayak Road
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400009


Santdhara (Monthly)

Editor : Pawan Jain
Opp. Sweta Press, UCO Bank
Madhya Pradesh-487001
Tele : 07792-30825


Mangal Bodhi (Monthly)

Editor : Sudesh Golecha
Opp. 'Golecha Sadan' Nikalas Temple
Eatwari, Nagpur
Tele : 769526


Jain Acharan (Bylangual-Quarterly)

Editor : Maganlal Manakchand Bagmar
9/2, Sita Apartment, Tirkay Colony
Near Sibal Furniture
Nasik, Maharashtra-422002


Tatv Paripatra (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Dalpatbhai C. Shah
902, Ashoka Tower
Sarav Kuan Gate
Navsari, Gujarat-396445
Tele : 45910


Ratnaraj (Monthly)

Editor : Rajendra Nagawat
B-45, Sector-8
Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201301
Tele : 011-91-551152, 557671

Pali Marwar

Swadhayay Sangam (Monthly)

Editor : Tarachand Jain "Golecha"
Samadhan Kunj
2/C1- Kamala Nehru Nagar
Pali Marvad, Rajasthan-306401
Tele : 01581-27721

Palitana (Bhavnagar)

Sughosa (Monthly)

Editor : Ashiwan Bhai S. Shah
Sughosa Karyalaya, Taleti Road
Palitana, Saurashtra
Bhavnagar, Gujarat-364270

Shatruanjai Times (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Rewa Shankar Kutchi
Shatrunjai Times Karyalaya
Taleti Road, Palitana, Saurashtra
Bhavnagar, Gujarat-364270

Shri Jambudwip (Monthly-Gujarati)

Editor : Jainendra Bhai R. Shah
Shri Jambudwip Science Research Centre
Jambudwip Sankul. P. B. 19
Palitana, Saurashtra
Bhavnagar, Gujarat-364270

Panchkula (Ambala)

Vandey Veeram (Monthly)
Editor : Ramakrishna Jain
Shri Jainendra Gurukul
Panchkula, Ambala


Jaikanthal (Weekly)

Editor : Ajit K. Modi
Pratapgarh, Rajasthan-312605
Tele : 01478-22142, 22342, 22332, 23742


International Jain Friends (Quarterly-English)

Editor : Mahaveer S. Chawan Sanglikar
201, Bombay-Pune Road
Chincnwad (East)
Pune, Maharashtra-400019

Jinwar (Fortnightly)

Jain Herald (Monthly)
Editor : Sumant Bhadra
Post Box No. 12, Chinchwad
Pune, Maharashtra-411888

Jain Jagriti (Bylangual-Monthly)

Editor : Sanjay Kantilal Chowradiya
62, Rituraj Society
Pune- Satara Road
Pune, Maharashtra-411037
Tele : 020-4295588, 4297850

Pariwarik Samasyaon Ka Samadhan Jain Ekta (Bylangual-Monthly)

Editor : Shanti Lal Mutha
1184/4, Shivaji Nagar
Gyaneshwar Paduka Chowk
F. C. Road, Shivaji Nagar
Pune, Maharashtra-411005
Tele : 020-5535080, 5535432, 535525


Shri Amar Bharti (Monthly)

Editor : Sadhvi Shri Vibha
Dhyanmeru Veerayatna
Rajagir, Nalanda


Jain Saurabh (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Ramniklal M. Seth
Ashirwad Paper Mart
Malviya Gali, Debar Chowk
Rajkot, Gujarat-360001
Tele : (O) 28415, 27339, (R) 27383

Jain Kranti (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Rasiklal C. Parekh
31/36, Karanpara
Rajkot No.1, Gujarat
Tele : 223039

Shasan Pragati (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Manharlal B. Mehta, "Manek"
1/7, Jagannath Plot, Rachati Apartment
1st Floor, Rajkot, Gujarat-360001
Tele: 443363


Krantikari Sanket (Weekly)

Editor : Mamta Jain
59, Sadar Bazar, Rajnandgaon
Madhya Pradesh-491441


Ahimsa Sandesh (Fortnightly)

Editor : Ratnesh K. Jain
Post Box No. 85
Ranchi, Bihar-834001
Tele : 0651-202009


Diwakar Dipti (Weekly)

Editor : Motilal Bafna
9, Tata Nagar, Budheshwar Road
Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh-457001
Tele & Fax : 07412-31082

Jain Ekta Samachar (Bylangual-Monthly)

Editor : Motilal Bafna
9, Tata Nagar, Budheshwar Road
Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh-457001
Tele & Fax : 07412-31082

Samta Yuwa Sandesh (Fortnightly)

Editor : Manilal Ghota
Akhil Bharatiya Sadhumargi Samta Yuwa Sangh
2, Chowmukhi Pul
Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh-457001

Saubhagya Surya Sandesh

Editor : Maganlal Runwal
'Shram Kunj'
68/1, Palace Road
Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh-457001
Tele : 07412-35719


Shakahar Jagriti (Monthly)

Editor : Hukumchand Jain
245, Nakher Gali, Gopalganj
Sagar, Madhya Pradesh-470003


Vidya- Pusp (Monthly)

Editor : Ashish K. Jain
Near Mohalla Dindayal, Jain Temple
Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh-247001
Tele : 0132-743655

Gommatvani (Kannada-Monthly)

Editor : S. N. Ashok Kumar Jain
Shri Digambar Jain Ashram
Chetna Road, Shravanbelagola
Hasan, Karnataka-573135
Tele : 08176-57270


Jain Bodhak (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Kumudni Bai Doshi
Bharat Bhawan
162/17, Railway Lines
Solapur, Maharashtra-413001
Tele : 0217-312819, 312014

Panchrang Prabodhini (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Ravsaheb Patil
'Saurabh Communication'
10 Shriram Apartment, Samrat Chowk
Prabhakar Mahajan Mahajabal
Solapur, Maharashtra-413002
Tele : 0217-328477

Shravika (Marathi-Monthly)

Editor : Vidyutlata Shah
Shravika Prakashan
Shravika Sanstha Nagar
Solapur, Maharashtra-413002

Songarh (Bhavnagar)

Atam Dharam (Gujarati-Monthly)

Editor : Praveen Bhai Doshi
Digambar Jain Swadhyay Mandir Trust
Songarh, Bhavnagar

Sonkutch (Dewas)

Tarun Kranti (Monthly)

Editor : Sunil Gangwal
Mahatama Gandhi Marg
Sonkutch, Dewas
Madhya Pradesh-455118
Tele: 07270-22256


Jainmitra (Weekly)

Editor : Sailesh Kapariya
Khapatiya Chakla, Gandhi Chowk
Surat, Gujarat-395003
Tele : 0261-427621


Shashwat Dharam (Monthly)

Editor : J. K. Sanghvi
305, Station Road
Opp. Kepineshwar Temple
Thane West, Maharashtra-400601


Veetraag Vani (Monthly)

Editor : Vimal K. Jain Soraya
Veetraag Vani Karyalaya
Sailsagar, Tikamgarh
Madhya Pradesh-472001
Tele : 07688-32592


Ankaleshwar Vani (Monthly)

Editor : Fatehsagar Jain 'Shastri'
972, Gyan Nagar, Hiran Magari
Sector-4, Udaipur
Tele : 07833-461725

Devendra Bharti (Monthly)

Editor : Dinesh Muniji
Shri Tarak Guru Jain Granthalaya
Guru Puskar Marg
Udaypur, Rajasthan-313001
Tele : 413518

Shraman Sanskriti (Monthly)

Editor : Ummedmal Gandhi
Shri All India Sadhumargi Jain Shravak Sangh
58, Gole Bazar
Daipur, Rajasthan-313001


Agamodharak (Monthly)

Editor : Subhash Chand Jain
46, Sukhipura, Ujjain
Madhya Pradesh-456001
Tele : 0734-558353, 560435

Rishi-Muni (Weekly)

Editor : Jambu Jain 'Dhawal'
24, Sheer Sagar, Jain Temple
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh-456001
Tele : 0734-553860, 560456, Fax : 559971

Vah (Agra)

Jain Prabhat (Monthly)

Editor : Sushil K. Jain
Vah, Agra
Uttar Pradesh-283104


Shraman (Quarterly)

Editor : Sagarmal Jain
Pasharavnath Vidyapith
I. T. I. Road, Karondi
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221005
Tele : 316521, 318046, Fax : 0542-318046


Gyandhara (Monthly)

Editor : Mukesh Tanmay Shastri
'Gyananand Niwas'
Kila Andar, Vidisha
Madhya Pradesh-464001
Tele : 07592-32234, 36861, 30024

Shri All India Shwetamber Sthankwasi Jain Conference

"Jain Bhawan" 12, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg

Gole Market, New Delhi -110001

Phone : 011 - 23363729, 23365420

Fax : 011- 23344380

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Person - Sudhir Ji. He said they only publish articles in Hindi


Savtantra Jain Chintan

253/23, Kabir Marg

Keshar Ganj

Ajmer, Rajasthan-305001

Pankaj Jain – 07947105897

Niraj Jain – 9828681111


Jain Journal

A Peer Reviewed Research Quarterly of Jain Bhawan

P-25 Kalakar Street, Kolkata-700 007

All contributions, which must be type-written, and correspondence regarding contributions, and book-reviews should be addressed to The Editor, Jain Journal, P-25 Kalakar Street, Kolkata-700 007.

 E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For advertisement and subscription please write to the Secretary, Jain Bhawan, P-25 Kalakar Street, Kolkata-700007.

Editor: Satya Ranjan Banerjee

Jain Bhawan

033 22682655

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


No contact no. Articles to be sent directly to the above-mentioned email.


Jain Bodhak

Bharat Bhawan

162/17, Railway Lines

Solapur, Maharashtra-413001

Contact : Rekha Jain -Editorial Board -  She said though it’s a Marathi based magazine, she will help make an exception and publish our articles once we email them to her

Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



(A Quarterly Research Journal for Jainology & Prakrit Languages)

Dr. Jaikumar Jain, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) – He asked us to email him the articles

Mobile : 09760002389

Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Material donations of second hand or no more used objects:
- cotton cloth (like old bed sheets, old towels, old napkin, old pillow cover, etc.) that we can use to stitch clothes or bags for the farmers, etc.
- blanckets of woole, cotton, flax, etc.
- cotton bags or jutte bags
- cloth (like shirts, t-shirts, trousours, sweeters, etc). of natural material like cotton, flax, hemp, whoole etc.
- tools to work on the wood, make fire cooking, like wood cisers, hammers, cutting players (i don't know all the names but all the manual basic tools...) in metal and wood
- cotton or natural fibres ropes
- suit case trolleys to carry things in metal without paint
- books like encyclopaedia, dictionaries, educational books of biology, medicine, literature, etc. (we were in the need of the 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' of Elaine N Marieb edited by Pearson Eduction )
- second hands laptop or phones (in usable condition)
- pencils (without pain), ink pen (in metal or plastic)
- glass syringes
- old metal containers, plates boxes or buckets
We have a small criteria that it should be in 100% natural material and devoid of endocrine disruptor as paint, etc. (fort metallic objects) as we are working with children and fragile wild ecosystem.
