Table of Contents
1. Philosophical, moral values purity 1
2. Transmission and tradition preservation excellency 1
3. Health support perfectionism 2
5. Environmental commitments 2
Defining the ahiṃsādhaman-s and kṣamāśrama-s 3
1. Philosophical, moral values purity
- Prana-ayu-vardhana promotion of Life force on physical, mental, sensorial, emotional and spiritual point of view
- Ahimsa (non-violence),
- Aparigraha (asamgaha or non-possession or minimalism),
- Satya (truthfullness),
- Asteya (non stealing starting by natural resources),
- Anekānta (omniveracoty of view points
- Svatantrata or svalambana (autonomy or self sufficiency),
- Parishrama (sharira shrama or physical labour or bread labour),
- Asvada (detachment to the sense of taste),
- Svadeshi (duty toward the neighbour or neighbour fraternity or “locavorism’ or local consumerism or degrowth),
- Manava samanatva (asprishyatanivarana or human equality),
- Abhaya (fearlessness), sarva-dharma-samanatva (tolerence to all religion or moral view points), etc.
- Prana-paraspara-upagraha (interconnectivity with all living beings)
- Anapeksha or vitaraga (without expectations or with less desirs)
- Social equality
- Mutual understanding, love and bondage among tribe and all living beings of nature
- Perfect regulation of population through mastering of fertility
- Total autonomy from consumerist and deleterious technology
2. Transmission and tradition preservation excellency
Giving vision and knowledge shall be the first target of Prāṇāyu.
It shall take the form of:
- safeguard of Sanskṛta and Prākṛta literature heritage in the form of:
. manuscript and primary literature preservation, translation, studies, editions, researches, etc.
. actualisation article by scientific validation of traditional knowledge.
- education transmission though:
. patients cure and training,
. student training
. broad population information by video-s, conferences, etc.
. awareness program like workshops, etc.
All shall be the conducted with due respect and strong endeavour to be faithful to the scriptures, core values of traditions, and scholarly rigour.
3. Health support perfectionism
- Food based on semi wild agriculture and wild flora gathering
- Among most agrodiverse food system (using wide spectrum of food types)
- Food having among highest:
. nutritional fiber
. macronutriment
. micronutriment
. phytochemical
. antioxidant
. etc.
- Optimal nutrition and circadian cycle life style enhancing equilibrium of physiology and gastroentero-neuro-endocrino-immunity.
4. Farming qualities
- Deep knowledge of agriculture technics
- Rare species diversity of farming soil microbiome
- Stunning result in agricultural yield compared to conventional organic or non organic agriculture
- Great tradition of seed conservation
- Medicine composed of wide spectrum of plant
- High knowledge of phytotherapeutical and nutritherpeutical
- Perfect health balance
- Unaffected by modern diseases as non-communicable or contagious diseases due to rare immune resistance and strength of balance of physiology
- Notable physical strength
- Scientifically recognized remarkable species diversity of human microbiome
- Longevity
5. Environmental commitments
- Preserving ecosystem
- Preserving resources on soil, soil microbiome, water, air, etc. point of view.
- Total respect on non harming of nature
- Minimal or absence of violence toward fauna & flora
- Favouring biodiversity in all its aspect
(i.e. 1. Taxonomic biodiversity (as flora, fauna, vegetal microbiota, animal microbiota),
2. Genetic biodiversity,
3. Ecosystemic biodiversity)
- Up-liftment and total respect towards natural resources
- Positive carbon impact as traditional life still permits carbon reabsorption
- Positive climatic impact
6. Societal commitments
Fostering all social values:
- relational benevolence,
- forgivingness,
- compassion,
- brotherhood,
- equity,
- equality
- justice
Defining the ahiṃsādhaman-s and kṣamāśrama-s
Defining the places that are nirdośa – pure to be preserved, protected or made to the service of health. They are the places where the bondages of man with nature is more preserved shall be the ideal place for the project.
1. Purity of the land in pollution point of view
2. Contiguity with forest wild aria,
4. Proximity with Adivasi tribes,
5. Possibility of union with other organic farmer,
6. Potentiality of expansion of occupied zone if other people including delocalised Adivasi need to join the project,
7. Phone internet access at one hour walking distance maximum
Definition of purity
Environmental and human health promoting project are very sensitive to cleanliness in the sense of chemical-less-ness of environment meaning as far and protected as possible as 5 types of pollutions in present as well as planing developpement:
- agrochemicals,
- industries,
- all type of infrastructures,
- road infrastructure (no road access needed),
- urban pollution
- overall endocrine disruptors